Shoe Carnival Account Integration (2024)


Shoe Carnival is a popular footwear retailer with over 400 stores across the United States. It offers a wide variety of shoes for men, women, and children, along with accessories such as handbags and shoe care products. Shoe Carnival is known for its diverse selection of brands and styles, catering to different preferences and budgets.

You can integrate Shoe Carnival through DSCO, which is a cloud-based platform that enables retailers to manage their orders, inventory, and shipping processes across multiple sales channels from a single location.

Integrating Shoe Carnival allows you to sell on their platform through Sellercloud. The integration works by transmitting information via API. The following plugins are currently available:

The integration supports the following API plugins:

  • DSCO API v3 Inventory Export
  • DSCO API v3 Order Import
  • DSCO API v3 Tracking Export
  • DSCO API v3 Invoice Export
  • PDF Invoice Plugin

DSCO may require testing before you can go into production with the integration. This involves completing test orders, invoices, and inventory uploads according to the DSCO-provided test plan. For a dedicated representative to complete the testing for you, opt-in for Premium Support.


We recommend creating a Company where you will set up the Custom Company Settings and Scheduled Tasks for this integration.

You must do the following before you can integrate Shoe Carnival via DSCO.

DSCO Support

First, contact DSCO Support to request your:

  • Supplier ID
  • API Token
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Warehouse Supplier Code

Send an email to titled ‘Create Client Credentials.’ In the email, include the name and ID of the DSCO account and the user name with which the client credentials will be associated.

When ready, DSCO’s support team will send the client credentials to you. Be sure to store them securely.

To get a Warehouse Supplier code, you must set up a warehouse in DSCO.

  1. Contact the DSCO Integrations team and log into your DSCO account.
  2. Click CONNECTING: Step 1 and continue through the onboarding and testing processes. You choose the Warehouse Supplier Code during the onboarding process. You can create it on your Warehouse Manager page in the DSCO portal.

You will use the Client Credentials and Warehouse Codes to populate the Custom Company Settings outlined below.

Custom Company Settings

Create the following Custom Company Settings on the company you created for this integration:

The Client Setting Enable Custom Company Settings must be enabled for this workflow. To enable the setting, navigate to Settings > Client Settings > General Client Settings > UI.

Custom Company Settings for old accounts without Stream API

  • DSCO_Token – Enter the Token from DSCO support here.
  • DSCO_SupplierId – Your Supplier ID from DSCO support.

Custom Company Settings for new accounts with Stream API

  • DSCO_ClientID – Enter your Client ID from DSCO support here.
  • DSCO_ClientSecret – Enter your Client Secret from DSCO support here.
  • DSCO_StreamID – Leave it empty, it populates automatically for the Stream API.
  • DSCO_StreamPosition – Leave it empty. Populates automatically for the Stream API.

As of version, the plugin supports both the Stream API and the old method to get orders. The only differences are a few custom settings and credentials. The old method will continue to be used by default, where only DSCO_Token is required, as long as the Stream API settings don’t exist or aren’t populated.

Optional Custom Company Settings

  • Consider replenishable productsTrue or False, defaults to False. When True, enables Replenishable settings for products on Shoe Carnival.
  • Replenishable qty – The quantity that will be exported if the Available Quantity is 0 or less. Only works if the Consider replenishable products setting above is set to True.
  • DSCOUseExpectedDeliveryDateTrue or False, defaults to False. When True, the value of the custom product column DSCOEXPECTEDDELIVERYDATE will be exported to Shoe Carnival as the product’s expected delivery date. If this setting is missing or disabled, the exported date will be a week ahead.
  • DSCO_WarehouseCode – The DSCO warehouse code that is used by default when the DSCO_WarehouseCodes setting has no value.
  • DSCO_WarehouseCodes – A mapping list of Sellercloud WarehouseIDs to DSCO Warehouse Codes. Each pairing is connected by a hyphen (Sellercloud is on the left, and DSCO is on the right) and separated from other pairings by a comma. For example, 123-LakewoodWH, 245-BostonWH.
  • DSCO_DontSendItemIDTrue or False, defaults to False. When set to True, inventory updates will not include ItemID, and DSCO will match the SKU instead.
  • DSCOSendCostTrue or False, defaults to False. When True, exports the value of the custom product column DSCOCost to Shoe Carnival.
  • DSCO_SendDiscontinued True or False, defaults to False. When True, it sends the custom column DSCOIsDiscontinued. Products must be discontinued in Sellercloud
  • DSCO_SendUPCTrue or False, defaults to False. When True, sends UPC with the inventory export.
  • DSCO_ExportSsccCode True or False. If set to True, exports the SSCC code with the tracking.
  • DSCO_StandardWarehouseCode – DSCO’s standard Warehouse code exported by the tracking export plugin.
  • DSCO_IncludeWarehouseCodeInTracking True or False. If True, sends the DSCO standard warehouse code from the custom setting DSCO_StandardWarehouseCode.
  • DSCO_SendOnePackagePerKitParent True or False. If True, each kit parent will be in a separate package.
  • DSCO_SendKitParentOnly True or False. If True, only sends the parent SKU with the tracking without the components.
  • DSCO_SendShipFromInfo True or False. If True, sends the orders’ Ship From information with the tracking export.
  • DSCO_SendPackageWeight True or False. If True, sends the package weights with the tracking export.
  • DSCO_SendInvoiceDate True or False, set to True to send Invoice Date.
  • DSCO_SendCurrencyCode True or False, set to True to send the exported order’s Currency Code.
  • DSCO_NetTermDays – Numeric only, sends NetTermDays with the invoice export.
  • DSCO_NetTermType – Exported when DSCO_NetTermDays exists and isn’t 0.
  • DSCO_SendShipToInfoTrue or False. If True, sends the orders’ Ship To information with the invoice export.
  • DSCO_SendSubtotal True or False. If True, enables exporting order line subtotal with the invoice export.
  • DSCO_SendCreditPerQty – Multiplied by the total quantity and added to the total of the order plus an entry in the credits array in the request.
  • DSCO_IntegrationName – Can be set as a Sellercloud channel name. The order source will appear as the set channel name.
  • DSCO_MarkOrdersUnpaid True or False. If True, sets the order as Unpaid.
  • DSCO_LockShippingMethod True or False. If True, does not allow shipping methods on orders to be changed.
  • DSCO_IncludeWarehouseCodesInOrderImport True or False, If True, sets the Ship From warehouse with the order import and checks the setting DSCO_WarehouseCodes for the codes.
  • DSCO_ShippingRequiresThirdPartyBilling – If True, the orders’ ShippingRequiresThirdParty will be set to True.
  • DSCO_AllowShippingUSPSTrue or False. If True, and DSCO_ShippingRequiresThirdPartyBilling is True, and the order’s carrier is USPS, we will NOT set ShippingRequiresThirdParty to True.
  • DSCO_AllowShippingUPSTrue or False. If True, and DSCO_ShippingRequiresThirdPartyBilling is True, and the order’s carrier is UPS, we will NOT set ShippingRequiresThirdParty to True.
  • DSCO_CreatePayments True or False, defaults to True if missing. Determines if an order payment will be imported or not based on the setting value for the order channel. Defaults to Website, but can be changed with the company setting DSCO_IntegrationName.
  • DSCO_CoopFeePercentage – Defaults to 0. The CoOp Fee percentage to be applied when creating order items. 2.5 would denote 2.5% to be added to each order item’s CoOp fee.

Sellercloud Support

Finally, contact Sellercloud Support to request:

  1. To install the required plugins on your server.
  2. To add the required Custom Order and Product Columns:

Required Custom Product Columns

  • DSCOItemID – Conditionally required String. This should match the SKU of your listing. You can find it on the Products page in DSCO. If left empty for a product, that SKU will be skipped in the inventory update. However, if the custom setting DSCO_DontSendItemID is True, we will send the Sellercloud SKU instead.
  • DSCOSafetyQty – Sets a Safety Quantity on the product level.
  • DSCOIsDiscontinued True or False, defaults to False. When set to True, exports the item with a Discontinued status.

Optional Custom Product Columns

  • ShoeCarnival_Enabled – Optional, True or False. Used to enable only specific products for Shoe Carnival. Set to True for any products you want to send with the Inventory Export plugin.
  • DSCOEXPECTEDDELIVERYDATE – Used when the custom company setting DSCOUseExpectedDeliveryDate is enabled. Exports a date that’s a week ahead when missing or disabled. Sellercloud will follow the entered date. If no date is entered, 7 days from the current date will be sent.
  • DSCOCost – Sent when the custom company setting DSCOSendCost is set to True.
  • DSCOPartnerSKU – If this column exists and is populated, it is sent as a partner SKU.

Optional Custom Order Columns

  • DSCOInvoiceId – The invoice number.
  • DSCOConsumerOrderNumber – The imported consumer order number from DSCO is saved here.
  • DSCO_Coupons – Imports the coupons here.
  • DSCO_Email – Imports the shipping address email.
  • DSCO_Channel

Order Import

The Order Import plugin:

  • Gets all new orders from Shoe Carnival via DSCO and imports them to Sellercloud using API.
  • Imports orders as paid for the user DSCO_<CompanyID>
  • Acknowledges each order after it is created, so it will be moved to Shipment Pending in DSCO and will no longer be included in the new orders download.
  • Checks for products by matching:
    • DSCO SKU to Sellercloud UPC
    • DSCO SKU to Sellercloud Product ID
    • DSCO UPC to Sellercloud UPC
    • DSCO Item ID to Sellercloud custom column DSCOItemID
    • DSCO Partner SKU to Sellercloud Product ID

As of version, the plugin supports both the Stream API and the old method to get orders. The only differences are a few custom settings and credentials. The old method will continue to be used by default, where only DSCO_Token is required, as long as the Stream API settings don’t exist or aren’t populated.

If you need to reset the date, use the following DSCO_StreamPosition:

  • format: z/yyyy/mm/dd/HH/mm/000
  • example: z/2022/09/26/20/19/000

Automate Order Import

To create a Scheduled Task that regularly imports orders to Sellercloud:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Scheduled Tasks > Manage Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Click the green + icon: Create New Scheduled Task.
  3. Complete as follows:
    1. Click Task Type and select Import Orders.
    2. Set the Task Name.
    3. Select the Company.
    4. Select the Start Time.
    5. Click CREATE.
  4. The following message appears at the bottom of your screen: “Scheduled task created successfully. Click Here to configure the task details.” – click the link.
  5. Click the Edit button on the top right.
  6. In the Details section:
    1. Under Create Orders for Company, select your DSCO company.
    2. Click the Plugin menu and select DSCO API v3 Order Import.
  7. In the Import Options section, set Import From to None.
  8. In the Frequency section, specify the task frequency. For optimal performance, select a range between thirty minutes and one hour.
  9. In the General section, click the Enable toggle button.
  10. Click Save on the top right.

Tracking Export

This plugin sends tracking information from Sellercloud to Shoe Carnival via DSCO.

Before you move on, create a Saved Search for orders filtered by:

  • Company – The company you created for the integration
  • Order Status – InProcess or Completed
  • Payment Status – Charged
  • Shipping Status – Fully Shipped
  • Tracking Uploaded – No

Automate Tracking Export

To create a Scheduled Task that regularly exports order tracking from Sellercloud to DSCO:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Scheduled Tasks > Manage Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Click the green + icon: Create New Scheduled Task.
  3. Complete as follows:
    1. Click Task Type and select Export Orders.
    2. Set the Task Name.
    3. Select the Company.
    4. Select the Start Time.
    5. Click CREATE.
  4. The following message appears at the bottom of your screen: “Scheduled task created successfully. Click Here to configure the task details.” – click the link.
  5. Click the Edit button on the top right.
  6. In the Details section:
    1. Click the User ID menu and select your ID.
    2. Click the Saved Search menu and select the saved search you created earlier.
    3. Click the Export Via menu and select DSCO API v3 Tracking Order Export.
    4. Check This Is Tracking Export.
  7. In the Export Options section, set Export To to None.
  8. In the Frequency section, specify the task frequency. For optimal performance, select a range between thirty minutes and one hour.
  9. In the General section, click the Enable toggle button.
  10. Click Save on the top right.

Invoice Export

This plugin creates an invoice on Shoe Carnival via DSCO. It also saves the InvoiceID to the custom column DSCOInvoiceId.

The plugin can also process Split Orders. Ensure the Saved Search only includes the parent order and all child orders are Fully Shipped. Contact Sellercloud Support for assistance.

Before you move on, create a Saved Search for orders filtered by:

  • Company – The company you created for the integration
  • Shipping Status – Fully Shipped
  • Order Status – InProcess Or Completed
  • Invoice Uploaded – No
  • Tracking Uploaded – Yes

Automate Invoice Export

To create a Scheduled Task that regularly exports invoices from Sellercloud to DSCO:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Scheduled Tasks > Manage Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Click the green + icon: Create New Scheduled Task.
  3. Complete as follows:
    1. Click Task Type and select Export Orders.
    2. Set the Task Name.
    3. Select the Company.
    4. Select the Start Time.
    5. Click CREATE.
  4. The following message appears at the bottom of your screen: “Scheduled task created successfully. Click Here to configure the task details.” – click the link.
  5. Click the Edit button on the top right.
  6. In the Details section:
    1. Click the User ID menu and select your ID.
    2. Click the Saved Search menu and select the saved search you created earlier.
    3. Click the Export Via menu and select DSCO API v3 Invoice Export.
    4. Check Mark Orders As Exported.
    5. Check This Is Invoice Export.
  7. In the Export Options section, set Export To to None.
  8. In the Frequency section, specify the task frequency. For optimal performance, select a range between thirty minutes and one hour.
  9. In the General section, click the Enable toggle button.
  10. Click Save on the top right.

Inventory Export

This plugin exports inventory to Shoe Carnival via DSCO.

Prices are not included in inventory export updates.

  • Products must exist in DSCO to be exported.
  • You can use the custom product column DSCOSafetyQty to set Safety Quantities.
  • DSCOItemID is conditionally required – if empty for a SKU, the SKU will be skipped in the update unless the custom company setting DSCO_DontSendItemID is set to True. The DSCOItemID should match the SKU of your listing found on the DSCO Products page.

Optionally, you can enable only specific products for Shoe Carnival by setting their ShoeCarnival_Enabled Custom Column for Products to True:

  • For one product at a time: go to the Product Details Page > click Toolbox and select Custom Columns > click Edit, update the ShoeCarnival_Enabled column, and Save.
  • For multiple products in bulk: follow the steps to Bulk Update Products and use the ShoeCarnival_Enabled column – set it to True for all products you want to enable.

Before you move on, you can create a Saved Search for products filtered by:

  • ShoeCarnival_Enabled True. Optional filter. Only add this filter if you choose to enable only specific products for Shoe Carnival.
  • Company – Select the company with products you want to sell on Shoe Carnival. Optional filter. Without this filter, you will send products from all companies.

Automate Inventory Export

To create a Scheduled Task that regularly exports inventory from Sellercloud to DSCO:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Scheduled Tasks > Manage Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Click the green + icon: Create New Scheduled Task.
  3. Complete as follows:
    1. Click Task Type and select Export Products.
    2. Set the Task Name.
    3. Select the Company.
    4. Select the Start Time.
    5. Click CREATE.
  4. The following message appears at the bottom of your screen: “Scheduled task created successfully. Click Here to configure the task details.” – click the link.
  5. Click the Edit button on the top right.
  6. In the Details section:
    1. Click the User ID menu and select your ID.
    2. If you chose to only export specific products, click the Saved Search menu and select the saved search you created earlier.
    3. Click the Export Via menu and select DSCO API v3 Inventory Export.
  7. In the Export Options section, set Export To to None.
  8. In the Frequency section, specify the task frequency. For optimal performance, select a range between thirty minutes and one hour.
  9. In the General section, click the Enable toggle button.
  10. Click Save on the top right.

Configure PDF Invoices

This plugin creates PDF invoices with information about your Shoe Carnival orders and the products they include, which you can print from Sellercloud or Shipbridge.

To set up the invoice plugin:

  1. Go to the Company Settings of the company you created for the integration
  2. Click Toolbox and select Invoice Settings.
  3. Set the Invoice Type to Shoe Carnival DSCO Packing Slip.
  4. Click Save.

Shoe Carnival Account Integration (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.