Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (2024)

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ByJamie Sanders


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Mini Meatloaves in a muffin tin? Yes, Please! These Mini Meatloaf Muffins are a fun and delicious alternative to regular meatloaf.

Baking the meatloaf in a muffin tin shortens the cooking time and is always a hit with the kids!

Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (1)

Why Meatloaf Muffins are a Must Make!

We love everything in miniature over here.

  • You can cook just about anything in a muffin tin and it will be asuccess.
  • I especially love this recipebecauseit is so easy andflexible.
  • I can hide whatever veggies I have on hand and get no complaints!
  • Meatloaf muffins are perfect when you don’t have a lot of time to cook as the cooking time is much shorter than regular meatloaf.

If you haven’t tried your meatloaf in a muffin tin yet, you really should give it a try!

You can use your own favorite meatloaf recipe, just use the cooking time below or my recipe is pretty darn yummy too!

Ingredients in Meatloaf Muffins + Notes

Ingredients at a glance, find the full printable recipe at the bottom of the post.

  • Ground Beef | Use a lower fat ground beef if you can. The less fat in the beef, the less fat the will end up in the wells of the muffin pan. Ground turkey works fine too.
  • Oatmeal | Oatmeal helps to bind the meat and other add-ins together. You can use bread crumbs in a pinch, but I prefer the texture the oats give to the meatloaf muffins.
  • Egg | Large (works with the oats or breadcrums as a binder to help hold the meatloaf together.
  • Tomato Sauce | For flavor. Instead of the tomato sauce, I often substitute the tomato sauce with +/- 1/4 cup of ketchup in the meat mixture and at least another 1/4 cup for the top. Personal choice to use the ketchup vs tomato sauce I do prefer the taste of ketchup – probably due to the added sugar.
  • Parmesancheese | For flavor. Use whatever kind you have on hand.
  • Seasonings | Garlic powder, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper
  • Optional | A couple of handfuls of whatever other veggies you have on hand. (onions, mushrooms, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, spinach, lentils…)

How To Make Meatloaf Muffins

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, but only use about ¼ of the tomato sauce/ketchup in the meat mixture. Reserve the rest for the tops of the meatloaf muffins.

Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (2)

3. Press the meat into the muffin cups (you should be able to get eight to 10 out of this amount of meat).

Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (3)

4. Top with a dollop of tomato sauce/ketchup on each one.

Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (4)

5. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes.


Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (5)

Recipe Tips

  • Don’t forget the spray your muffin man, especially if using turkey or very low fat ground beef.
  • Use as low fat meat as you can. This will help keep your muffins from swimming in fat in the muffin tin and also helps the muffins come out in a nice shape. (They wont shrink up quite as much. (Ground beef containing a higher percentage of fat will shrink up more because the fat will cook cook out, leaving less meatloaf muffin.)
  • Dont leave out the Worchestershire sauce. It really adds a nice depth of flavor to the meatloaf muffins.
  • I’ve made this meatloaf muffin recipe so many times and so many ways that I can tell you, oats instead of breadcrumbs are the way to go.


Can Muffin Tin Meatloaf be Frozen?

Yes, Of course you can freeze these Meatloaf Muffins!
Follow the recipe as specified and let the mini meatloaves cool. Add to a freezer bag or airtight container and freeze for up to 6 months.
To thaw, place in the fridge overnight and you can either reheat in the microwave (at about a minute per muffin) or all at once in the oven for about 20 minutes. (Use a thermometer to make sure the muffins are fully warm in the center.)

Can this Recipe be Doubled?

Yes, this meatloaf muffin recipe is the perfect recipe for doubling. I often make a double batch to freeze for later.

How Long Do I Cook Meatloaf Muffins?

As I mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of meatloaf muffins over a traditional meatloaf recipe is the faster cooking time. I cook these mini meatloaves for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. I do recommend a meat thermometer to ensure your muffins are cooked completely. (They are done when the center reaches 160 degrees F.)

Variations on this Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe

  • Use barbecue sauce instead of ketchup.
  • Like a bit of kick to your food? Add some red pepper flakes.
  • Ground turkey can be substituted for ground beef. (Cook time is the same, but use your meat thermometer and make sure the center temperature registers to 165 F for poultry.)
  • Slice the mini meatloaves in half and serve as meatloaf sliders.
  • I love to hide veggies in my meatloaf. Lentils, carrots, mushrooms, etc… (just dice the veggies into fine pieces.)
Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (6)

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Favorite Sides to Serve With Mini Meatloaves

  • Loaded Mashed Potato Bake
  • Parmesan Ranch Baked Potato Wedges
  • Roasted Baby Carrots
  • Corn On The Cob In The Microwave
  • Baked Potato Mac And Cheese

Let us Know What You Think!

Tried this recipe? Please leave a star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating and/or a review in the comments section below. If you share an image on Instagram or Facebook, be sure to tag me and use #scatteredmomrecipes!


Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (7)

Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe

★★★★★5 from 50 reviews

  • Author: Jamie Sanders
  • Prep Time: 5 min
  • Cook Time: 30 min
  • Total Time: 35 min
  • Yield: 10 to 12 meatloaf muffins 1x
  • Category: main dish
  • Method: oven
  • Cuisine: american
Print Recipe


Meatloaf Muffins are a fabulous alternative to regular meatloaf. Kids just love them and mini meatloaf muffins cook much faster than traditional meatloaf.



  • 1 pound ground turkey or ground beef
  • 1/3 cup breadcrumbs or oatmeal (Either works, but I now use oatmeal)
  • 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce (Instead of the tomato sauce, I often substitute with around 1/4 cup of ketchup in the meat mixture and at least another 1/4 cup for the top. Personal choice to use the ketchup vs tomato sauce I do prefer the taste of ketchup – must be the added sugar.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • Salt and pepper
  • several shakes of Worcestershire sauce (about a teaspoon)
  • A couple of handfuls of whatever other veggies you have on hand… (onions, mushrooms, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, spinach, lentils…)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, but only use about ¼ of the tomato sauce/ketchup in the meat mixture. Reserve the rest for the tops of the meatloaf muffins.
  3. Press the meat into the muffin cups (you should be able to get eight to 10 out of this amount of meat).
  4. Top with a dollop of tomato sauce/ketchup on each one.
  5. Cook for 30-35 minutes.
  6. Serve two per person.


Nutritional Info: Using 1 egg,93/7 Ground Turkey, 1/2 cup of ketchup and dividing into 10 meatloaf muffins, the calorie count is about 110 per muffin. (Pretty good if you ask me!)


  • Serving Size: 2 meatloaf muffins
  • Calories: 220
  • Sugar: 6
  • Fat: 10
  • Carbohydrates: 9
  • Protein: 22

Keywords: mini meatloaf, meatloaf muffins

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Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (12)

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About the AuthorJamie Sanders is a wife and mom of 2, located in the heart of Texas. She founded Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom in 2011 as a place to share creative ideas and family friendly recipes. Her work has been featured on Martha Stewart, Woman’s World, HuffPost, TODAY, Pioneer Woman, HGTV, CNET, Good Housekeeping, Yahoo, Oprah Daily, and Redbook, plus many other publications. To date, she had given away just under a million free pdf sewing patterns.
Mini Meatloaf in a Muffin Tin Recipe (2024)


Do you cover meatloaf when baking at 350? ›

Should I cook my meatloaf covered or uncovered? The meatloaf can be cooked uncovered. However, if you are concerned about it burning, you can cover the meatloaf with foil for the first 45 minutes and uncover it for the final 15 minutes to allow the meatloaf to brown on top.

What temperature do you cook meatloaf in the oven? ›

The oven temperature is typically set at 350 degrees F for making meatloaf. That's the temperature you want to be sure to use so the meatloaf cooks and doesn't dry out. Too high, and the outer crust will burn before the interior is cooked all the way, too low and you don't get that delicious crust.

What is the best binder for meatloaf? ›

The most traditional meatloaf binder is probably torn up bread soaked in milk, but you can also use bread crumbs, Panko, dehydrated potato (instant mashed potatoes), or just about any other grain.

How do you keep meatloaf from sticking to the bottom of the pan? ›

Lining your loaf pan with parchment paper creates a nonstick surface that makes it easy to get the meatloaf out of the pan when it's done.

Is it better to cook meatloaf at 350 or 375? ›

The best temperature to cook the meatloaf at is 350°F and it requires about 1 hour, give or take a few minutes, depending on size and shape. 1 hour should be more than enough for a 2 pound meatloaf.

How long does it take to cook a 2 pound meatloaf at 375? ›

How long to cook meatloaf at 375°F? At 375°F a 1 lb meatloaf will take about 25 to 30 minutes for the meatloaf temp to reach 160°F. A 2 lb meatloaf will take about 40 to 50 minutes for the meatloaf temp to reach 160°F. A 3 lb meatloaf will take about 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes for the meatloaf temp to reach 160°F.

Should I cook my meatloaf covered or uncovered? ›

Leaving the meatloaf uncovered allows the top to develop a nice, crispy crust. The exposed surface caramelizes and browns, adding a visual appeal and pleasant contrast in texture as well as great flavor. Uncovering the loaf also helps excess moisture evaporate, giving the meatloaf a firmer consistency.

How do you know when meatloaf is done? ›

Toward the end of the cooking time (our standard two-pound meatloaf takes about one hour), follow this simple method to know when it's done. Use an instant-read thermometer ($18, Walmart). The meat loaf's internal temperature should register 160°F when the thermometer is inserted into the center.

What is the basic meatloaf formula? ›

In essence, it boils down to a few simple steps: Combine ground meat, eggs, breadcrumbs, and other flavorful ingredients of your choice. Put this mixture in a lightly greased loaf pan and bake it until it's cooked through.

What ingredient keeps meatloaf from falling apart? ›

Bread crumbs serve as a binding agent for the loaf, helping it not crumble after it's cooked.

Why do you put milk in meatloaf? ›

Milk and other dairy products, like heavy cream and buttermilk, contain both water and fat, adding two types of moisture to our meatloaf. There's a long-held theory that milk can tenderize ground meat, and this is the reason often cited for cooking ground meat in milk to make a Bolognese-style ragù.

Is meatloaf better on a sheet pan or loaf pan? ›

When choosing a baking pan, avoid a small loaf pan or baking dish. A tight fit means that the loaf will steam — think school cafeteria meatloaf. Instead, use a sheet pan or a large baking dish and leave some breathing room so the edges will caramelize nicely.

Why don t you want to cook the meatloaf in the loaf pan? ›

By free-forming a meatloaf—not cooking it in a loaf pan—we get maximum surface area exposure, and therefore maximum flavor. So not only does it make it easier to slice and guard against sogginess, but mounding your meatloaf instead of panning it also makes your meatloaf literally tastier.

Are you supposed to drain meatloaf? ›

Let the loaf cool for at least 15 minutes before serving. If you baked the meatloaf in a loaf pan, carefully drain off the liquid fat before transferring the meatloaf to a clean cutting board.

Is it better to cook meatloaf covered or uncovered? ›

The foil or lid also helps the meat retain its moisture, which is useful when cooking with lean meats (like chicken or turkey). On the other hand, if you cook your meatloaf uncovered, the excess moisture will evaporate, resulting in a firmer meatloaf with a crispy crust and caramelized glaze.

Does covering meatloaf make it cook faster? ›

Covered Meatloaf

This method is particularly useful if you're making your loaf with a leaner meat that tends to dry out quickly. Additionally, covering the meatloaf can speed up the cooking process, ensuring that it cooks thoroughly without over-browning.

What is the best temperature to cook meatloaf and for how long? ›

Baking technique

This recipe for Best Meatloaf gives you a clever 3-step approach: You'll bake the meatloaf for 40 minutes at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) to fully cook the inside, and then increase the heat to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for 15 minutes to give the outside a tasty crust.

How long does it take to heat up a meatloaf at 350? ›

There are a few ways to reheat cooked meatloaf: Oven: Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Place the meatloaf in a baking dish and cover it with foil. Heat the meatloaf for 20-30 minutes or until it reaches an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.