LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (2024)

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Lemon Granita is the traditional answer against the hot Sicilian summer. Sicily is famous for several amazing things: long history, turquoisesea, cosmopolitan culture, and amazing food! I love Sicily and last June I came back there to spend my vacation days. Trust me, drinking a lemon Granita seating comfortably around a table, and watching the Sicilian life passing in front of me: this is a piece of my personal heaven!

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (2)

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (3)

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  • 1 cup (200 g) caster sugar
  • ½ Qt (500 ml) water
  • 1 cup (240 ml) squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 organic lemon skin, grated
  • 10 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 pasteurized egg white (optional)

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (4)



Granita is a traditional Sicilian recipe, who became popular in the rest of Italy and worldwide.

Unfortunately, due to its popularity, Granita is often served in cheap variations, and it is not easy to find it prepared following the original recipe.

Sicilian Granita is a mixture of water, sugar, and fresh fruit juice, smooth and dense at the right point.

Often Granita is mistaken for the Roman Grattachecca, named In Sicily Grattella. But, Grattachecca (or Grattella) is just shaved ice and juice or fruit syrup.

Making homemade Granita is easy, but requires at least a couple of hours, and a little patience.

Like all the recipes with just a few ingredients, the quality of them is critical!

Lemon granita is traditional served aside Sicilian brioche or Sicilian almond cookies.

Traveling around Sicily a couple of weeks, I’ve been tasting several times Granita. The best places I found are Colicchia in Trapani and Caffè Concordia in Agrigento: if you are ever there, do not miss them!

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (5)


First, pour the sugar and the water into a pot, and place over medium/high heat until the liquid starts to simmer, stirring occasionally.

Now, place the pot far from the heat, and add the lemon skin grated and the mint leaves.

Let the water reach room temperature.

After that, discard the mint leaves, add the lemon juice, and pour the infusion into a glass box or bowl.

Do not use metal or plastic boxes.

Cover eventually and store into the freezer.

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (6)


After 30-45 minutes, depending on your freezer, check the lemon Granita: once it starts to freeze scrap the ice around the edges of the bowl with a fork and stir quickly, then store in the freezer again.

Repeat the process every 25 minutes at least 4 times more: you want the Granita smooth and consistent, without any lumps of ice.

Serve immediately.

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (7)


The egg withes make the Granita more fluffy and consistent. But, someone does not like the light taste of the eggs, so feel free to make your choice: with or without egg!

It is critical use trusted or pasteurized egg, to prevent any risk of food borne.

First, crack the egg and pour the white in a glass bowl.

Be sure to use perfectly dried tools: even a small trace of wet will stop the whipping process.

Beat the white with a food processor or an electric beater until fluffy and firm. Finally, combine the whipped white and the lemon granita at the very end: stir until consistent and serve immediately.

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LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (8)




Yield: 4

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (10)

Lemon Granita is the traditional answer against the hot Sicilian summer. Sicily is famous for several amazing things: long history, turquoisesea, cosmopolitan culture, and amazing food! I love Sicily and last June I came back there to spend my vacation days. Trust me, drinking a lemon Granita seating comfortably around a table, and watching the Sicilian life passing in front of me: this is a piece of my personal heaven!

Prep Time2 hours 30 minutes

Total Time2 hours 30 minutes


  • 1 cup caster sugar (200 g)
  • ½ Qt water (500 ml)
  • 1 cup squeezed lemon juice (240 ml)
  • 1 organic lemon skin, grated
  • 10 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 pasteurized egg white (optional)



  1. First, pour the sugar and the water into a pot, and place over medium/high heat until the liquid starts to simmer, stirring occasionally.
  2. Now, place the pot far from the heat, and add the lemon skin grated and the mint leaves.
  3. Let the water reach room temperature.
  4. After that, discard the mint leaves, add the lemon juice, and pour the infusion into a glass box or bowl.
  5. Do not use metal or plastic boxes.
  6. Cover eventually and store into the freezer.


  1. After 30-45 minutes, depending on your freezer, check the lemon Granita: once it starts to freeze scrap the ice around the edges of the bowl with a fork and stir quickly, then store in the freezer again.
  2. Repeat the process every 25 minutes at least 4 times more: you want the Granita smooth and consistent, without any lumps of ice.
  3. Serve immediately.


  1. The egg withes make the Granita more fluffy and consistent. But, someone does not like the light taste of the eggs, so feel free to make your choice: with or without egg!
  2. It is critical use trusted or pasteurized egg, to prevent any risk of food borne.
    First, crack the egg and pour the white in a glass bowl.
  3. Be sure to use perfectly dried tools: even a small trace of wet will stop the whipping process.
  4. Beat the white with a food processor or an electric beater until fluffy and firm.
  5. Finally, combine the whipped white and the lemon granita at the very end.
  6. Stir until consistent and serve immediately.

Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per ServingCalories 227Total Fat 0gSaturated Fat 0gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 0gCholesterol 0mgSodium 39mgCarbohydrates 58gFiber 3gSugar 51gProtein 2g

The writers and publishers of this blog are not nutritionists or registered dietitians. All information presented and written within our blog are intended for informational purposes only. This information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. This information comes from online calculators. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. The writers and publishers of this blog are not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any recipes or suggestions herein or hereafter. Under no circ*mstances will this blog or its owners be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from your reliance on nutritional information given by this site. By using this blog and its content, you agree to these terms.

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (11)

LEMON GRANITA - traditional Sicilian sorbet recipe - philosokitchen (2024)


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