KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (2024)

KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (1)

A new test world patch was released along with a Maple Now stream by Director Changseop! The patch contains various updates to the Union and Profession systems, story changes, and a lot of boss improvements.

Changseop also teased next month’s update, which will feature a Suu remaster along with a new Extreme Mode!

Director Changseop said that this Maple Now stream would be focused on the content being added in this March patch, and he would talk a little bit about what’s coming next month in April at the end of the stream.

Maple Union Reorganization

  • It’s been a long time since they actually updated the Maple Union system. It started as the Part-Time Job system that was then changed into the Maple Union. They added Union Artifact recently but it didn’t really change the base system.
  • They wanted to update the system to include the new Combat Power indicator that was added last year. This makes it easier to see a character’s strength, particularly items, more effectively in Maple Union. Previously, the Union attacker power was based only on levels and Star Force but now it will be based on Combat Power.
  • Previously, there was a sort of soft cap for powerful characters that started around 50m power, but now those characters will probably be over 70m power.
  • Due to these changes, players will be able to get more Union Coins. Together with this, they increased the purchase limits of certain items in the shop and increased the maximum number of Coins that certain ranks can hold.
  • They made some improvements to parts of the system that didn’t match the direction MapleStory was going in, like changing the two daily Union Coin quests to a single weekly quest.
  • The weekly ranking system wasn’t very meaningful for players so they removed it and added new rewards for players that reach certain Union levels to make it a sort of achievement reward instead.
  • Due to the way that Combat Power works where it is only calculated after you login to a character for the first time after they added it, players will have to login to all characters that they haven’t already logged into since Combat Power was added for them to be reflected correctly in Maple Union.

Profession Reorganzation

  • In September 2023, they said that they wanted to work on reorganizing professions in parts.
  • This content is particularly conducive to macroing/botting when compared to grinding/bossing. They want to make it a more meaningful alternative for players who want to spend their time harvesting.
  • Obviously the best way to do this would be to completely stop botting but that is a neverending battle. They are always working on technical solutions but at the same time, they will make changes so that the gameplay of actual players is not significantly disadvantaged by botting players. This is why they made changes like removing mastery decay, removing crafting cooldowns, and adding a monsters killed requirement.
  • In this update, herbs and veins will no longer spawn in hunting maps. This is because bots could automatically change channels and maps to detect harvestable materials, which made them more efficient than actual players.
  • They already had this change in mind before but they knew that many key items that are crafted through professions would be affected if they made all of the changes at once, so they decided to do them in stages.
  • They have moved most of the rewards that used to be acquired from them to other sources like the instanced Meisterville harvesting maps, which have been used significantly more since the last change.

Symbol Quick Path

  • You can now skip Grandis daily quests by paying Maple Points.
  • As mentioned when High Mountain was added, they are increasing the number of ways that Maple Points can be spent.

Boss Pattern Improvements

  • MapleStory’s boss content is essentially end-game content for most players. It’s important to release new bosses for players to challenge but they also think its important to continue tuning existing bosses for players who are still learning and adapting to MapleStory. They want to improve some boss patterns that are not as intuitive like timers or don’t match what they look like.
  • Guardian Angel Slime’s laser pattern’s delay before activating has been increased to give more time to react to it.
  • Lucid’s Powerful Summon pattern will now display a green fog across the map before it activates.
  • Jin Hilla’s UI now displays a timer for the next Soul Cut pattern.
  • Dunkel’s meteors have been removed (except the diagonal ones). They decided this would be better, to make Dunkel match the intended difficulty level.
  • Black Mage’s phase 3 laser pattern’s attack range and effects have been changed to match.
  • Kalos’ UI now has a t imer until the next Machine is occupied. A message when the Watcher’s Roar is about to activate has been added, the delay before it activates has been increased, and it no longer seals you before it activates. The Subspace Teleport pattern’s effect has been changed to make it easier to differentiate from the regular teleport.
  • Kaling’s Taowu’s electric areas’ effects have been changed to be more visible.

Story Content Improvements

  • MapleStory’s story has been written by many people over a long period of time so it’s hard to improve everything all at once. They’re working consistently on this.
  • Arcane River is now old content (he said he actually joined Nexon around the time it began lol), and since it was written by separate people, there are parts where the characters’ personalities and dialogue didn’t really match so they wanted to update their tone and unify them.
  • Elluel’s elves which remained frozen even after Borderless have been changed to be restored. In addition, you can now see Lucid in a special new map in Elluel, where she is being monitored in the story.
  • The Maple Alliance is an important part of MapleStory’s story, where most classes come together to fully begin the fight against the Black Mage. They cleaned up the quest line to make it a better introduction.
  • They also cleaned up some very old regions like Sleepywood, Orbis, and El Nath’s quest lines.

Skill Improvements

  • Illium’s Flow of Battle has been changed to be easier to maintain with an increased duration.

Item Improvements

  • They changed Zero’s Genesis Weapon system to make it harder to accidentally overwrite your potential with the Unique main potential/Epic additional potential option. (Wow Steve’s impact!)

Map Improvements

  • Carcion’s hunting grounds have been improved. When it was first added, it was a very high level area that not many players could actually use, but now there’s a lot more activity there and a lot of the maps are extremely busy, particularly Darkness Falling Tree Trunk 3.


  • The Union Relay event is similar to Tactical Relay. The stronger your Union characters are, the easier it is to get the most rewards. They changed it to remove most of the inconvenience that Tactical Relay like having to go back and forth between characters every day.
  • Now, you participate only once a day for 10 days. You can choose between defeating 1000 monsters or doing a Punch King. Doing the first option will give you 300 points while doing the second can get you up to 1150 points depending on your score.
  • After participating daily, there will also be a daily mission that gives rewards similar to the Halfling’s Treasure Hunt event from the Minar Forest patch where you can choose between a set reward or take a chance to get more or less rewards.
  • The Universe Star Pink Bean event is an improved version of the BTS Jin’s Worldwide Handsome event.
  • The old event had a lot of inconvenient parts, like even the UI was annoying to use. The event is half as long and so they have adjusted the probabilities. Players who participated in that event will remember that it was actually pretty difficult, so they made this one a bit easier, including a sort of pity system. You can disassemble unused letters to get Alphabet Powder to make a specific tier of Alphabet.
  • You can also buy 20 regular Alphabet Boxes per day using 3k Maple Points for players that don’t have as much time to grind and want to spend some money.
  • The rewards include a level 200 17 Star Force Enhancement Scroll like last time as well as the new Syncroid, which is an Android that copies your character’s appearance.
  • The Golden Chariot event is a bit different this time, including being shorter. Instead of the usual 10+ weeks, it’s divided into two shorter periods.
  • Instead of having to stay logged in for one hour, you now have to defeat 1000 monsters within your level range instead.
  • There are two passes this time. The first is the Union Pass which provides items that make growing your Union and training lower level characters easier. The second is the Hyper Pass that is aimed at higher level players, including VIP Boosters and a Transcendent Growth Potion.
  • The Star Force Stage is actually not a huge event but it’s something they have been trying recently where they want to provide more fun outside of the game.
  • Previously, they started live streaming certain maps in MapleStory on YouTube as a test to see if players would enjoy something like that. They wanted to let players share their game experience with others, so they created this event.
  • You can enter the event and pay 500m to get on the stage and share your Star Forcing with other players. This will also be live streamed by MapleStory on YouTube.
  • They added some fun options such as delaying the results of the Star Force on your screen by 5 seconds so everyone in the audience would see it first based on how lots of MapleStory streamers would hide the results or turn their head away.

Other Changes

  • They will be testing a new patching system on the test world starting from Monday. The servers may go down intermittently.
  • It can’t be checked on the test world but as Burning World will be ending soon, players will be moved to the Leap Zone next week. This time, they’re going to add the coin shop NPCs to the map to let players spend their coins before leaping if they forgot.

April Update Teaser

KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (2)
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (3)
  • Suu will be remastered in April. These are rough sketches of concept art for the boss and the maps.
  • As mentioned before, they are working on improving existing bosses to make them more intuitive and fun. In addition, players want new bosses and new challenges so they wondered if they could do both at the same time.
  • In this case, they will be adding Extreme Suu, which will be a difficulty level between Normal Kalos and Normal Kaling. Normal/Hard Suu’s difficulty levels will not change that much from now. Extreme Suu will be able to be challenged by more players than Normal Kaling, and some end-game players can try to solo it. They will be adding new rewards to make players motivated to fight it.
  • April is a fairly big update since it will contain the 21st anniversary events, but it’s not as big as a summer or winter update. Still, they want to add new boss content as fast as possible so this content will be included in that patch.
  • This year is also Nexon’s 30th anniversary so there will probably be some collaboration events as well.

Player Comments

  • People were saying that he was ignoring the Reboot situation (in terms of changing mesos acquired to be the same as regular worlds). Changseop replied that he knows that the experience for players who previously played the game has changed significantly, and it’s not that he wasn’t worried about finding a better way, but in the end, they had to proceed with the current system design, and he had no choice but to make that decision.
  • The additional potential meso changes will be done within the first half of the year. They are monitoring aspects like Maple Point consumption but it will be hard to implement it as quickly as April. They don’t want it to have an adverse effect on players so they are waiting a bit more.
  • The next Maple Now stream will be in April.
  • Maple Union Reorganization
  • Profession Reorganization
  • Symbol Quick Path
  • Level 300 Chair
  • Boss Pattern Improvements
  • Story Content Improvements
  • Improvements
  • Error Fixes
    • Skills
    • Quests
    • Items
    • Monsters
    • Maps
    • UI
    • Achievements
  • Events
    • Union Relay
    • Universe Star Pink Bean!
    • Spiegella’s Golden Chariot
    • Star Force Stage
    • Lady Blair’s Dream Express
    • Sunday Maple
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (4)

The Attacker Combat Power formula based on Star Force values has been removed, and a formula based on Combat Power has been added.

KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (5)

In the Maple Union Coin Shop, the purchase limits for certain items have been increased as follows.

Item SoldExisting LimitChanged Limit
Union Strength Stage 110 per week20 per week
Union Strength Stage 2
Union Strength Stage 3
Union Experience Stage 1
Union Experience Stage 2
Union Experience Stage 3
Union Luck Stage 1
Union Luck Stage 2
Union Luck Stage 3
Union Wealth Stage 1
Union Wealth Stage 2
Union Wealth Stage 3
Karma Black Rebirth Flame20 per week per world40 per week per world

Supreme Union rank’s maximum number of accumulated Coins has been increased from 1,000 to 1,300.

Grand Master Union rank’s maximum number of accumulated Coins has been increased from 700 to 900.

The following Union daily quests can no longer be completed.

  • [Maple Union] Mini Dragon Hunt
  • [Maple Union] Golden Dragon Hunt
  • [Maple Union] PC Room Daily Quest
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (6)

New Union weekly quests have been added.

  • [Maple Union] Weekly Dragon Hunt
    • Defeat 100 Mini Dragons and 20 Golden Wyverns to receive 200 Union Coins.
  • [Maple Union] PC Room Weekly Dragon Hunt
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (7)

A new Union quest ‘[Maple Union] King of Union’ has been added.

  • If you achieve a total Union level of 10,000, you can complete the ‘[Maple Union] King of Union’ quest.
  • When you complete it, you will receive the ‘Dragon Lord Riding Voucher’ item and the ‘King of Union’ chair item.

※ The ‘[Maple Union] King of Union’ quest can only be completed 1 time per world.

※ The ‘Dragon Lord Riding Voucher’ and ‘King of Union’ chair can only be put into storage, and are permanent items.

※ When you use the ‘Dragon Lord Riding Voucher’, it will permanently bind to the character you used it on.

The weekly acquired coin rankings have been removed.

The following achievements’ completion conditions have been changed.

  • Let’s Catch Wyverns Today

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KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (8)

Herbs and ore veins will no longer be created in hunting maps.

  • Mysterious Herb
  • Golden Flower
  • Mysterious Legendary Herb
  • Mysterious Ore Vein
  • Pounding Heart
  • Mysterious Legendary Ore Vein

When harvesting herbs and ore veins created in the Meisterville Harvesting Farm, there is now a certain chance for additional crafting material to drop.

The drop rate of crafting material items has been adjusted.

  • When harvesting Purple Herbs, the drop rate of Twilight Essence and Brilliant Twilight Essence has been increased.
  • When defeating Easy/Normal Arkarium, the drop rate of Chaos Fragments has been increased.

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KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (9)
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (10)

The Arcane River Quick Path’ name has been changed to the Symbol Quick Path.

You can use the Symbol Quick Path to pay Maple Points to instantly complete Arcane River daily quests and weekly content, and Grandis daily quests.

※ When instantly completing the newly added Grandis daily quests, you will use 1,500 Maple Points.

The Symbol Quick Path can be used through Spiegelmann, located in each town in Arcane River and Grandis.

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KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (11)

The ‘Magnificent Symbol of Honor’ item has been added.

  • Characters who have reached level 300 can start the ‘[Level 300 Achievement] Magnificent Symbol of Honor’ quest.
  • Completing the ‘[Level 300 Achievement] Magnificent Symbol of Honor’ quest will reward you with the ‘Magnificent Symbol of Honor’ item.
  • If you fame a person sitting in the ‘Magnificent Symbol of Honor’ chair, you will receive the ‘Lv. 300’s Blessing’ buff.

※ Only characters that have completed the ‘[Level 275 Achievement] Briliant Symbol of Honor’ quest can proceed with this quest.

※ The ‘Lv. 300’s Blessing’ buff gives +60 attack/magic attack for 30 minutes.

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KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (12)

In Guardian Angel Slime (Normal/Chaos), the Slime Laser’s warning delay has been increased by about 44%.

KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (13)
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (14)

In Lucid (Easy/Normal/Hard), when the Powerful Summon pattern appears, it has been improved so that a warning effect will be displayed all over the map.

KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (15)

In Dusk (Normal/Chaos), the Tentacle attack’s warning effect has been improved to match the actual attack range.

In Jin Hilla (Normal/Hard), the following changes have been made.

  • It has been improved so that when you enter, the character dialogue chat bubble will no longer be displayed.
  • It has been improved so that the time remaining until she casts the Soul Harvest pattern is now displayed intuitively.
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (17)

In Dunkel (Normal/Hard), the following changes have been made.

  • The Meteor pattern has been removed.
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (18)
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (19)

In Black Mage (Hard/Extreme), Phase 3’s Destruction Laser’s attack range has been improved to be closer to the warning effect.

KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (20)
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (21)
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (22)

In Watcher Kalos (Easy/Normal/Chaos/Extreme), the following changes have been made.

  • It has been improved so that the time remaining until a machine is occupied is now displayed intuitively.
  • It has been improved so that the Will of the Watcher is created 1.5x as fast in Easy Mode and 2x as fast in Normal/Chaos/Extreme Mode.
  • The Watcher’s Roar’s warning delay has been increased by about 33%.
  • It has been improved so that when you are hit by the Watcher’s Roar, it will no longer apply a skill seal status effect.
  • A notice message has been added when the Watcher’s Roar pattern is cast.
  • Phase 2’s Subspace Infiltration pattern‘s cast action has been changed.
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (23)
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (24)

In Kaling (Easy/Normal/Hard/Extreme), the following changes have been made.

  • Phase 1 Taowu’s Electric Current Divergence’s warning delay has been increased by about 33%. (Note: this is the one-shot laser)
  • Phase 1 Taowu and Phase 2 Kaling’s electric current floor effects have been improved to be more clearly visible.
  • Phase 3 Death Gripped Taowu’s Judgement’s warning effect has been improved to be closer to the actual attack range. (Note: this is the lightning that stuns you)

[Back to Overview]

Certain dialogue and cutscenes in the Arcane River areas have been changed.

  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (25)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (26)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (27)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (28)

Certain changes and additions have been made to the Joining the Alliance quests.

  • The [Alliance] quest prefix has been added and the quest type has been changed to [Required].
  • The story quest pre-requisite conditions have been removed.
  • The quest beginning levels have been unified to level 75.
  • Zero’s Joining the Alliance quests have been added.
    • [Alliance] Invitation to Ereb
    • [Alliance] Talk with the Empress
    • [Alliance] Determination
  • Certain Zero dialogue in Black Heaven has been changed.

Certain Sleepywood area quests have been removed.

  • Ronnie’s Jackstones
  • How to Chase Away the Devil
  • Ritual to Seal the Deep Danger
  • Owner of the Abandoned Note
  • Beware of Suspicious People

Certain Orbis and El Nath area quests have been removed.

  • Sergeant Fox’s Secret
  • Alcaster’s Cape
  • Skadur’s New Fur
  • Shamos’ Request
  • Secret About the Dark Contract
  • Help Kriel
  • Nependeath Juice
  • Elma’s Nependeath Juice
  • Sweet Syrup
  • Alphonse’s Smile
  • Cat-Loving Erikson
  • Gift for Nero
  • Reducing Orbis Weight
  • Deliver Food to Spiruna
  • Collect Huckle’s Magic Ingredients
  • Remove Obstacles to Huckle’s Research

Certain changes and additions have been made to the Orbis area quests.

  • Hela’s Whereabouts?
  • One Clue
  • Spiruna’s Black Crystal
  • How to Restore the Crystal
  • Assistant’s Advice
  • Obtain Fairy Powder
  • Spiruna’s Concerns
  • Pixies’ Cloud Fragments
  • Revealed Truth
  • Papa Pixie’s Legend
  • Hela Finally Found
  • Bongdal’s Request
  • Collect Huckle’s Research Materials
  • Huckle’s Request

The ‘One Who Balanced Orbis’ achievement has been changed due to the changes to the Orbis area quests.

※ The existing achievement will be moved to the Memories tab and a new achievement with the same name will be added.

The Orbis and El Nath areas’ medal quests’ completion requirements have been changed.

[Back to Overview]


In the V Matrix, it has been changed so that switching a V Core’s location will no longer reset that skill’s number of usages.

It has been changed so that maps that remove buff effects will no longer reset certain skills’ number of usages or skill activation conditions. The changed skills are as follows.

  • Shadower: Shadow Assault
  • Striker: Lightning God Spear Strike
  • Luminous: Liberation Orb
  • Phantom: Mark of Phantom
  • Wild Hunter: Wild Grenade


  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (29) Steal‘s Mysterious Elixir has been changed so that it no longer removes other buffs.

Demon Slayer

KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (30)
  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (31) Demon Impact VI: Demon Chain‘s debuff image has been changed.

Angelic Buster

  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (32) When using On Stage, tracks from Angelic Buster’s album have been added.
  • Fixed an issue where the background music during Soul Exalt did not play.


  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (33) Flow of Battle‘s maximum number of stacks has been changed to 4, the damage boost per stack has been changed to 3%, and the buff duration has been increased to 15 seconds.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (34) Flow of Battle (when transferred to another character as a Link Skill)’s maximum number of stacks has been changed to 4, the damage boost per stack has been changed to 3%, and the buff duration has been increased to 10 seconds.

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When growing Zero’s Genesis Weapon, when you choose between ‘Maintain existing potential’ or ‘Change to Unique potential’, it has been changed so that ‘Maintain existing potential’ is the default option, and you must enter additional text to confirm if you choose ‘Change to Unique potential’.

When growing Zero’s Genesis Weapon, when you choose between ‘Maintain existing additional potential’ or ‘Change to Epic additional potential’, it has been changed so that ‘Maintain existing additional potential’ is the default option, and you must enter additional text to confirm if you choose ‘Change to Epic additional potential’.

Zero can no longer grow their weapon to a Genesis Weapon if they are holding a Great Sword Trace.

A description of how to exchange Maple Coins has been added to the tooltip.

When receiving multiple Sol Erda as a reward, it has been changed so that they will take up only 1 item slot.

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In certain towns, the Jack/Clara NPCs have been removed.

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KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (36)

When you enter the Elluel area on a character who has completed all of ‘The Day After’ quests, the NPCs’ appearances will be changed to match the story setting.

When exchanging Phantasma or Arachno Coins with the NPC Kanto, an exchange confirmation message and information about the Arcane Shade equipment you can trade for have been added.

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Certain Carcion area hunting grounds’ terrains have been improved.

  • Giant Coral Colony 1
  • Giant Coral Colony 2
  • Giant Coral Colony 3
  • Enfolding Forest 1
  • Breathtaking Cave 1
  • Breathtaking Cave 2
  • Breathtaking Cave 3
  • Breathtaking Cave 4
  • Sunken Ruins 1
  • Sunken Ruins 2
  • Sunken Ruins 4

Certain Carcion area hunting grounds’ have been improved so that more monsters appear.

  • Giant Coral Colony 2
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (37)
KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (38)

In the Elluel area, the ‘Lucid’s Room’ map has been added, which characters who have completed all of the ‘Borderless’ quests can enter.

In the Burning Leap Zone, the Dream Fragment Shop, Night Fragment Shop, and Dance Fragment Shop NPCs have been added.

After defeating Von Leon (Easy/Normal/Hard), it has been changed so that you exit to ‘Lion King’s Castle: Hallway in Front of the Throne Room’.

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In the Hexa Matrix UI’s Enhancement Core tooltips, it has been improved so that the ‘Enhancement’ text is not duplicated.

KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (39)

In the Angelic Buster character creation screen, background music has been added.

Improved an issue in the Quest window where the completed list displayed differently from the completion order.

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In the Character Info UI, the item drop rate increase stat’s maximum limit information has been reinforced to exclude base drop rate.

[Back to Overview]



  • Fixed an issue where after a certain amount of time passed after using Noblesse guild skills, already expired effects were reapplied.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not perform other actions even after using an Origin skill and the cast action ended.
  • Fixed an issue where using certain summon skills while changing maps would cause them to be summoned in awkward locations.
  • Fixed an issue where Aura Weapon’s Aura Wave was activated at an awkward time when using certain skills. The changed skills are as follows.
    • Hero – Spirit Caliber
    • Paladin – Sacred Bastion
    • Dark Knight – Pierce Cyclone, Dead Space
    • Mikhail – Durandal
    • Soul Master – Astral Blitz
    • Aran – Boost End – Storm of Fear, Adrenaline Surge
    • Blaster – Final Destroyer
    • Demon Slayer – Nightmare
    • Demon Avenger – Requiem
    • Kaiser – Might of Nova
    • Zero – Chrono Trigger
    • Adele – Maestro
  • Fixed an issue where if you activated the Hexa Enhancement Core for certain skills then changed the location of the V Core in the V Matrix or unequipped it, the skill would not end. The changed skills are as follows.
    • Paladin – Holy Unity
    • Bishop – Pray
    • Pathfinder – Obsidian Barrier
    • Cannon Shooter – Pool Maker
    • Wind Breaker – Wind Wall
    • Night Walker – Shadow Servant Extend, Shadow Bite
    • Striker – Lightning Unity
    • Mikhail – Rho Aias, Light of Courage
    • Aran – Install Maha
    • Evan – Elemental Blast
    • Mercedes – Elemental Ghost, Sylphidia
    • Eunwol – Spirit Flow
    • Wild Hunter – Jaguar Storm
    • Demon Avenger – Revenant
    • Xenon – Overload Mode
    • Zero – Limit Break
    • Illium – Soul of Crystal, Crystal Gate
    • Ark – Infinity Spell
    • Hoyoung – Sage: Clone Rampage
  • Fixed an issue where the client would briefly freeze when using certain skills. The changed skills are as follows.
    • Flame Wizard – Cataclysm
    • Night Walker – Dominion, Rapid Throw
    • Khali – Void Burst
  • Fixed an issue for certain jobs where if you were affected by the Reverse Keys status effect, the character’s direction would change when attacking even if you did not press an arrow key. The changed jobs are as follows.
    • Aran
    • Eunwol
    • Zero


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes Phoenix would not be resummoned when Evolve ended.


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes Freezer would not be resummoned when Evolve ended.


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes Raven would not be resummoned when Evolve ended.
  • Fixed an issue where Relic Unbound sometimes consumed the Relic Gauge abnormally.

Night Lord

  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Partner would be removed when hit by certain boss patterns.


  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Partner would be removed when hit by certain boss patterns.

Dual Blade

  • Fixed an issue where Chains of Hell could be used while sitting on a chair.
  • Fixed an issue where Mirror Imaging would be removed when hit by certain boss patterns.

Soul Master

  • Fixed an issue where Solunar Slash could be used while sitting on a chair.

Night Walker

  • Shadow Jump’s skill description has been changed.


  • Fixed an issue where using the Combination Key repeatedly while changing maps would sometimes make Commands unusable.
  • Fixed an issue where defeating a monster with Blizzard Tempest would sometimes display certain effects awkwardly.
  • KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (41) Boost End – Hunter’s Targeting VI’s icon has been changed.


  • Fixed an issue where Backstep could be used while sitting on a chair.
  • Soul Splitter’s skill description has been changed.
  • Fixed an issue where if a bind was applied to Soul Splitter’s separated soul then it disappeared, the real mob’s bind resistance duration time would not be displayed.

Wild Hunter

  • Fixed an issue where monsters summoned by Call of the Hunter would sometimes be displayed to other characters in certain cutscene maps.
  • Fixed an issue where monsters summoned by Call of the Hunter would sometimes not take damage properly.

Demon Slayer

  • Fixed an issue where Demon Sphere’s number of hits when activated during Demon Awakening was different than the skill description.
  • Fixed an issue where Demonic Sphere activated during Demon Awakening did not receive the effects of Demon Slash – Reinforce and Demon Slash – Extra Target.

Demon Avenger

  • Fixed an issue where Demon Sword’s Roar could not be activated while using Exceed: Execution VI.


  • Fixed an issue where Virtual Projection would be removed when hit by certain boss patterns.
  • Overload Mode’s skill description has been changed to be more accurate.


  • Fixed an issue where using skills in Metal Armor: Tank would display the basic attack motion.


  • Fixed an issue where if [Execute] Poison Needle VI’s cooldown was reset, the cooldown alert notification would not be displayed.


  • Fixed an issue where Limit Break’s bind status effect and slow effect were displayed awkwardly.
  • Fixed an issue where electric areas created before changing maps would sometimes be maintained after changing maps.


  • Marker’s skill description has been changed.


  • Fixed an issue where Void Rush sometimes could not be used consecutively.
  • Fixed an issue where Chakri created by Death Blossom would sometimes not be cast by other skills.
  • Fixed an issue where Void Rush VI sometimes could not be used consecutively.


  • Fixed an issue where if you used Unbridled Chaos at the edge of a map, the effect would not be displayed.

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Fixed an issue when doing the Dark World Tree quests where Alchetto’s chat window image was not visible.

Fixed an issue when doing the Carcion area quests where in certain cutscenes, character effects appeared awkwardly.

The conditions to acquire the ‘Hero of Heroes’ title have been changed. Fixed an issue where you could not acquire the title unless you were a specific class.


Fixed an issue where if you reached the daily limit of mesos acquired from hunting, the ‘You have reached the daily limit of accumulated mesos from hunting’ message would be displayed repeatedly if you looted mesos dropped by Autosteal.

Fixed an issue where certain actions looked awkward when sitting in the Papulatus’ Clock Chair, Crystal Ball Swing Chair, and Skewer Master Chair.

Fixed an issue where the effects of potions used by the Pet Auto Pot would sometimes not be applied.

The Maple Insignia skill can no longer be used while sitting on a chair.

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Fixed an issue in boss battles where if you were in a party of 2 or more, sometimes the monsters would use attacks even if they didn’t do the pattern cast action.

Fixed an issue in Epic Dungeon High Mountain ‘High Mountain’s Remains’ where the Tynus’ Fragment summon effect was awkward.

Fixed an issue in Epic Dungeon High Mountain ‘Tynus’s attack patterns where the horizontal slash pattern’s cast warning effect was intermittently displayed as transparent.

Fixed an issue in Vellum (CHaos) where if certain statuses were applied, the Breath effect would be displayed awkwardly when used.

Fixed an issue in Suu (Normal/Hard/Story) phase 3 where sometimes bind status effects were not applied instantly.

Fixed an issue in Demian (Normal/Hard) where sometimes items were dropped in awkward locations.

Fixed an issue in Demian (Normal/Hard) where Demian’s remaining HP would sometimes change when entering phase 2.

Fixed an issue in Lucid (Easy/Normal/Hard) phase 2’s Powerful Attack pattern where sometimes you would not be hit by the lasers even if you stayed in one spot.

Fixed an issue in Jin Hilla (Normal/Hard) where sometimes she would use the Bone Wave pattern without a cast action.

Fixed an issue in Chosen Seren (Extreme) phase 2 where being hit by Judgement of Noon’s light could not be blocked with skills that defended against death.

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Fixed an issue in Korean Folk Town area’s Black Mountain Entrance where monsters were summoned irregularly.

Fixed an issue in certain areas of Ludibrium where the spacing was awkward.

Fixed an issue in the Epic Dungeon High Mountain where Hoyoungs transformed into Mitra could use Thousand Ton Stone by inputting the command.

Fixed an issue in the Epic Dungeon High Mountain Stage 3 where if you defeated the Separated Plague Tynus through Soul Splitter’s separated soul, it was difficult to progress.

Fixed an issue in Epic Dungeon High Mountain where using Combo Death Fault right before Tynus’ exclusive cutscene, the effect was awkward.

Fixed an issue in Epic Dungeon High Mountain’s cutscenes where things like Hoyoung’s ears and tail, Lara’s horns, and Kaiser’s tails were visible.

Fixed an issue in Carcion where certain maps’ ropes were awkward.

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Fixed an issue in the Character Info UI where the increased stats from the ‘Increase Other Stats by a % of Directly Invested AP Stats’ Ability was displayed awkwardly.

Fixed an issue in the Character Info UI where the item drop rate stat appeared to exceed the maximum limit of 400%.

Fixed an issue in the Union UI where the draggable area by hovering the mouse on the top part was awkward.

Fixed an issue in the Union Attacker UI’s Placement Mode where the number of attackers and change in attacker combat power were not displayed.

Fixed an issue in the Union Attacker UI’s Placement Mode where certain UI elements and placed attackers’ tooltips when hovered over would overlap because of an awkward display order.

Fixed an issue in the Union Artifact’s Artifact Mission UI where if you scrolled with the mouse cursor positioned on the Complete button of a completable Special Mission, the Complete button could be clicked on even after scrolling.

Fixed an issue in the Union Artifact UI where certain effects from Stage 3 Artifacts were displayed in an awkward location.

Fixed an issue in the Potential Reset UI where the tooltip when hovering over the Try to Reset button displayed information about Additional Potential.

Fixed an issue in the Potential Reset UI where the potential rank up ceiling system’s gauge increase would fill up from 0 every reset.

Fixed an issue in the Link Management UI where the ‘My Link Skills’ bottom skill icon location was awkward.

Fixed an issue where the Coin Exchanger UI and system messages’ meso displays were awkward.

Fixed an issue with certain weather messages in the Epic Dungeon where Mitra’s dialogue was awkward.

Fixed an issue where certain inventory features could be used while using the storage.

Fixed an issue where after changing Equipment Presets, trying to rent a Premium PC ROom Only Weapon displayed an incorrect notice.

Fixed an issue where you could use the Coin Exchanger while trade restricted.

Fixed an issue in Direction Mode where certain skill images were displayed.

Fixed an issue where rejoining a guild after leaving would display the participation record from the previous guild as the highest record when exiting Flag Race.

You can no longer enhance through the Zero Weapon UI in maps where only you are visible.

Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where the sale alert message sometimes would not appear in the chat window when an item was sold.

In the Maple Auction, it has been changed so that you can no longer perform other actions until the search ends.

In the Return Scroll UI, a notice message has been added if there are no changes in item stats after using a scroll.

In the Return Scroll UI, fixed an issue where the Star Force values were included when displaying the change in stats after using a scroll.

Fixed an issue where certain UIs were moved to a different location than the set locations when changing resolutions.

Fixed an issue where the Soul Weapon UI was moved to the top left when changing resolutions.

When changing resolutions while the chat window is fixed to the bottom of the screen, it has been changed so that the chat window’s location will remain fixed to the bottom of the screen.

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Fixed an issue where monsters defeated with Kaling’s Soul Skill were not counted in the following achievements.

  • [Soul] Our Souls Are Great
  • [Soul] Not Me, My Soul
  • [Soul] Souls Hate This Achievement

The [Area Exploration] Dead Mine Exploration achievement conditions have been changed to exclude the <Dead Mine – Zakum’s Altar Entrance> map.

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KMST ver. 1.2.170 – Maple Now (24.03.14) & Boss Changes (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.