Kick the Can: First of a series.
When theFareway supermarket chain decided in July not to resume taking empty beverage containers for redemption after a four-month coronavirus moratorium, its stores across the Des Moines metro posted signs telling customers where they could goto redeemtheir 5-cent deposits.
Each sign included a list of three orfourcan and bottle redemption centers within an hour’s drive. At the top of each was K&B Redemption Center on the far northeast side of Des Moines, the only stand-alone redemption center still operating in Iowa's most populous county, Polk.
Handling Fareway’s rejects, added to the mountain of beer, booze and soda containers that piled up in homes over the spring and summer, forced K&B’s owner to cut redemption hours to half days so that employees, working seven days and nights a week, could keep up.
“We’re doing double what we were doing all day in just a half a day,” owner Leonard Walters said. “But there’s so much volume, we have to pay people overtime to get it all done.”
Like other grocery chains across the state, Boone-based Fareway has been trying for years to shed the burden of the costly and sometimes difficult-to-manage state-mandated redemption program, whichhas proved popular with the public and difficult to kill. Another attempt could be made when the Iowa Legislature convenes its 2021 session next month.
But when the chain chose this summer to defy Iowa’s nearly 42-year-old Beverage Containers Control Law — without penalty, so far — it foisted greater problems on dozens of businesses that,long before the pandemic, were struggling to meetsome of the law's increasingly outdated provisions.
Over the past decade, about half the redemption centers across Iowa have closed because they have been unable to survive on the penny they receive for sorting, often by hand, each can and bottle they redeem for customers.
Today, the state has just 117 stand-alone redemption centers, down from 213 a decade ago, andat least 26 Iowa counties no longer have centers,according to a list maintained by Iowa’s Department of Natural Resources.
Walters and other operators say the number is now even lower because several of the businesses went under after the pandemic hit.
“Everybody’s going broke,” said Walters, who, after 28 years in business, decided to close for four months this year. “They won’t give us a raise.”
In addition to K&B,at 1501 N.E. 46th Ave., Walters owns a smaller redemption center in Boone. The two locations have seven employees between them, all he said he can afford.
“We’re doing a lot more business, but it’s taking a lot more labor to do it, so we’re not making any money,” Walters said.
In Des Moines, he said, he pays $3,800 a month to rent his 3,800-square-foot warehouse, plus utilities and wages for employees who sort about 1.4 million containers a year.
Once all expenses were paid last year, he made about $13,000, he said.
He said he cannot afford to buy sorting machines that would make the work easier; nor would he take that riskwhen grocers have gotten more aggressive in their attempts to kill Iowa’s bottle bill, one of 11among U.S. states and Guam, a U.S. territory.
“Our lease here in Des Moines is up in August,” he said. Barring intervention from the Iowa Legislature, he said, “it’s crazy for us to stay in business.”
A system falling apart
In 1979, both Republicans and Democrats celebrated passage of Iowa’s bottle bill, one of the first laws of its kind in the U.S.
The landmark legislationrequired distributors to charge retailers an additional 5 cents for each container they delivered. Retailers and redemption centers, in turn, were to collect empty containers and refund the 5-cent deposits back to consumers.
Then those businesses returned the empties back to the distributors for 6 cents apiece. For their trouble, the retailers and redemption centerskeep the extra penny as a handling fee.
The self-driven, self-funded system provided Iowans with an easy way to curb litter and helped launch Iowa as a national, multi-material recycling leader. Environmental groups have estimated that it helps keep 1.7 million containers out of landfills each year, which has the added benefit of extending the life of the dumps.
Even with its flaws, the lawhas remained popular: Four of five people who responded to a question about the redemption system in a 2017 Des Moines Register Iowa Pollsaid they wanted to keep or expand it.
But a year ago, an Iowa State University economistwho conducted research for legislators trying to modernize the billwarned it was falling apart.
More and more containers were going into curbside recycling bins, available to roughly 80% of Iowans, or just getting tossed out and ending up in landfills, rather than being redeemed.
“The takeaway was that every year, our recycling rate has been going down,” said economist Dermot Hayes, who conducted researchin 2018 about the rate at which containers were being redeemed.“To most Iowans, (the 5-cent deposits) have become a convenience tax.”
Hayes said one of the biggest problems with the law is that the deposit and handling fees were never indexed for inflation. If they were, the nickel deposit on alcoholand soft drink containers would be 17 cents now, and the handling fee, instead of a penny,would be 3 cents.
He found that as the state’s recycling rate has dropped over the years from as high as 93% to around 71%,distributors havereceived a windfall from the unredeemed deposits.
In 2017, consumers collected an estimated $57 million from returned containers, but they lost $35.1 million on containers that were not recycled. Using an identical analysis from 2012, Hayes estimated the amount distributors kept increased by $13.9 million per year from 2012 to 2017.
“Looking forward, the distributors will continue to gain an additional $2.5 million every year at the expense of the retailers and redemption centers who are no longer covering their costs,” Hayes wrote in his2018 report.
A mix of lawmakers tried again last legislative session to reach a compromise on several pieces of legislation that sought to modernize the bottle bill.Grocers pushed anewto scrap the systemin favor ofmore comprehensive curbsiderecycling and drop-off redemptions outside of stores, which they offered to help fund.
But after coming closer toreaching an agreement, their efforts stalled, as in many years past.
Then came the pandemic.
Nowhere to redeem cans
In March, when COVID-19 first began to take hold in the state, retailers urged Iowa Gov.Kim Reynolds to suspend on-site redemptionof cans and bottles for the 5-cent deposit.
It was unknown at the time whether the virus could spread easily when people touched the surfaces of items like cans and bottles that had the virus on them and then touchedtheir mouth, noseoreyes.Experts now say surface transmissionis notthe primaryway the virus spreads. Instead, itspreads mainly from person to person,through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person nearby coughs, sneezes,talks or breathes.
Without thegovernor's suspension, the only way a store could lawfully reject containers wasif the Iowa Department of Natural Resources had approved a redemption center to take them instead.
Reynolds acceded to their requests,suspending redemptions until July.
With an unprecedentedhealth crisisand nearly 1,800 retailers not being required to accept cans and bottles, numerous redemption center owners like Walters, who were barely making ends meet, decided to suspend operations, too.
But when Reynolds lifted the moratorium July 24, Fareway set off a social media firestorm by announcing its stores wouldn’t resume redemptions.
“Accepting potentially contaminated containers inside our stores presents a great risk of harm to the health and safety of our employees and customers,” the chain’s general counsel, Garrett S. Piklapp, said in a statement at the time.
Other retailers like Hy-Vee resumed most redemptionsand reported nocoronavirus cases resulting from them. But Fareway stood its ground, offering coupons at the register to customers who wanted their deposits back on Fareway-branded cans and bottles, which other stores won't take. And it posted the signsat storeentrances telling those who had bags of unredeemed aluminum, plastic and glass containers to take them to redemption centers.
Since then, Piklapp said that"given the lack of uniformity in the system, no health guidance on how to handle returns, and continued authority advising that COVID-19 is transmitted through droplets, Fareway will not put the safety of its customers and employees at increased risk."
To date, neither the DNR nor the attorney general's office has taken any action to force Fareway employees to comply with the bottle bill.
A company spokeswoman said the chain continues to “subsidize”more than 50 redemption centers throughout the state of Iowa.Other retailers also pay approved redemption centers to be seen by the state as compliant with the law.
“Fareway pays dozens of redemption centers around the state to help with their operations. We do this because we want to be a good local partner and they are a great business that is set up and structured in a way to handle used bottles and cans,” said the company's communications manager, Emily Toribio.
Kick the Can:
- Redemption centers a lifeline to needy Iowans, charities during the pandemic — if they can find one
- Almost 42 years later, can Iowa’s bottle redemption law be enforced?
- As bottle law languishes, Iowans ask: Why not rely on curbside recycling? Hint: Some stuff isn't recycled
Law decried as unfair
At the end of July, with consumers frustratedover the lack of places to take containers,the Iowa Grocery Industry Association filed apetition that could have made redemptions even harder.
The grocers wanted to press the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, which administers the law,to set a clearer standard for “convenience” in deciding how far Iowans will be asked to drive to a redemption center if their local grocer or other retailerdeclines to take back containers they sold. Iowa law allows that only if the retailer directs customers to a local redemption center within a reasonable distance— the so-called "convenience standard."
The DNR has required grocers to direct customers to a redemption center that would be within a 10-minute trip. The grocers’ association wanted to change that to a 15-mile, one-way drive.
The DNR denied that petitionin October.Grocers chafed, butrecyclers celebrated.
“For decades, retail redemption has been the engine that keeps Iowa’s bottle bill running,” said Mick Barry, president of Mid America Recycling. “Many counties don’t have redemption centers, making it even more vital that grocery stores accept empty containers. Removing the convenience zone would have essentially dismantled the bottle bill by making redemption so onerous that consumers would just give up and accept the 5-cent deposit as a tax."
The association appealed the decision, and a judge is expected to rule Jan. 29.
In the meantime, the DNR has opted not to respond to another petition arguing the law is inherently unfair and unconstitutional.
The main argument by the grocers' lawyers: While grocers for decades have been required by law to return 5-cent deposits, other retailers that sell beverages— dollar stores, Menards, Lowes, Home Depot, Theisen's and Mills Fleet Farm, as well as many liquor stores — have not always had to.
The DNR has said repeatedly it doesn’thave the authority to enforce the requirement.
The grocers association's petition insists thatthe state must acknowledge the disparitiesin the law’s application and enforcement.
“If the Department cannot ensure uniform application and enforcement, we ask that the department suspend the deposit requirement for consumers and enforcement of the Bottle Bill until the Department can achieve (that) for all dealers,” its petition said.
By failing to act in 60 days, the DNR effectively denied that petition as well.
This month, the grocers filed yet another petition, asking the DNR to enforce a provision in the bottle bill requiring wholesalers, or beer distributors, to provide a redemption center for crushed cans in every county seat as well as one for every 25,000 in population.
In Des Moines, that would mean as many as 10 stand-alone redemption centers.
But the association anticipates another denial by the DNR.
Walters said that despite all the signs posted at Fareway storesaround the Des Moines metro referring customers to K&B, only oneFareway store— in Ankeny — pays his center to take bottles, cans and plastic. The amount: $200 a month.
More from Watchdog on Iowa's troubled bottleand can redemption system
- When Gov. Kim Reynolds shut down can and bottle redemptions at retailers for four months this year, Iowans who count on — orlive on — deposit money for charities drove long distancesto cash in.Many fear what will happen if the Iowa Legislature does away with thenearly 42-year-old law they've come to rely on.
- With the Iowa Department of Natural Resources saying it lacks authority to enforce the law, no one is paying a price for failing to accept bottle and can redemptions.
- Curbside recycling has made it easy for roughly 80% of Iowansto dispose of cans and bottles instead of taking them back for deposit redemptions.What they may not know is that less than a third of those containers can be recycled — and aren’t required to be by law.
Coming in this Watchdog series
MONDAY: When Gov. Kim Reynolds shut down can and bottle redemptions at retailers for four months this year, Iowans who count on — or live on — deposit money for charities drove long distances to cash in.Many fear what will happen if the Iowa Legislature does away with thenearly 42-year-old law they've come to rely on.
TUESDAY:With the Iowa Department of Natural Resources saying it lacks authority to enforce the law, no one is paying a price for failing to accept bottle and can redemptions.
WEDNESDAY: Curbside recycling has made it easy for roughly 80% of Iowans, with good conscience,to dispose of cans and bottles instead of taking them back for deposit redemptions.What they may not know isonly about 7% of all depositbeveragecontainers recycled in Iowa are recycled through curbside recycling.
Lee Rood's Reader's Watchdog column helps Iowans get answers and accountability from public officials, the justice system, businesses and nonprofits. Reach her at, at 515-284-8549, on Twitter at @leerood or on Facebook at