Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (2024)

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Making congee in the Instant Pot is simple, and much faster than making it the traditional stovetop way. A comforting rice porridge, this dish uses a pantry staple, white rice, and just a handful of other ingredients. It’s also a very inexpensive meal that can be eaten any time of day.

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Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (2)

What to say in these times…..

My emotions are a yo-yo. And the uncertainty is difficult, to say the least.

I don’t even want to utter the word, but for purposes of what I originally started this blog for, a journal and documentation, I feel as though I need to say that the coronavirus is changing all of our lives. In a way that my brain is still not comprehending.

We’re staying at home, urging our loved ones to stay home, and often that’s falling on dead ears. It makes me sad and scared, for our health, our medical workers, our communities.

I found this prayer on Instagram, and it encompasses my whole heart and feelings right now.

May we who are merely inconvenienced
Remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors
Remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home
Remember those who must choose between preserving their health and making their rent.

May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close
Remember those who have no options.

May we who have to cancel our trips
Remember those who have no safe place to go.

May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of our economic market
Remember those who have no margin at all.

May we who settle in for a quarantine at home
Remember those who have no home.

As fear grips our country,
let us choose Love.

During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other,
Let us find ways to be the loving embrace of (our higher power) to our neighbors.

🙏🏻 Cameron Bellm, Seattle

Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (3)

These days, I’m cooking from my pantry, flexing all the muscles it has, and relying on gluten-free dinner recipes. That means lots of rice, beans, and lentils.

I photographed this Instant Pot Congee last year when I was with my girls in California, which is why you see the multiple hands, and fresh produce. Both of which are not in line with current social distancing.

Vegan Congee Ingredients

The beauty of congee, a comforting rice porridge, is that it is incredibly versatile and stretches rice enough further with just a handful of ingredients. Typically made with chicken, this is a vegan congee, that has a very simple formula:

  • white rice, preferably jasmine if you have it
  • water
  • dried mushrooms
  • ginger
  • garlic
Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (4)
Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (5)

What is congee?

Also known as “jook”, congee is an Asian porridge, made with white rice rather than oats. You could also think of it like a rice polenta. Throughout history, it has been served as a healing food for the sick, elderly, and young.

The rice is simmered in a ratio of about 7 cups water to 1 cup rice, and can be adjusted depending on how thick or creamy you prefer it to be.

How to Make Instant Pot Congee

When made on the stovetop, this dish takes a couple hours. Instant pot congee is much faster, and will only take you about 45 minutes, all hand off time. This is the Instant Pot I have.

The results are fabulous – thick, silky, and nourishing. Some cultures reserve it for breakfast, but I think it makes a great meal any time of day.

You’ll add all the above ingredients to your instant pot insert, and cook on high pressure for 30 minutes, the let the pot naturally release.

Do I need to rinse the rice?

When making traditional rice, you’ve probably heard that you need to rinse the rice until the water runs clear, in order to remove the extra starches so that the rice isn’t too sticky.

I was interested to see if this was necessary, since congee is typically creamy and made with a high ratio of liquid to grains.

I ended up preferring the congee when I gave it a quick rinse, rather than none at all, as the later was a bit gummy. Using a strainer, I recommend rinsing the dry rinse and swishing your hand through it, for about 20 seconds, to get some of the starch off. The water does not need to become completely clear.

Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (6)
Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (7)

Congee Topping ideas:

  • sesame seeds
  • something allium related, like green onions or chives
  • something crunchy, like Alanna’s coconut bacon, radishes, or carrots
  • something spicy, like sriracha or TJ’s Chili Crunch
  • sesame oil, or as you see in the photos, we made a cilantro oil
  • sautéed mushrooms
  • sautéed greens of any kind
  • any type of pickled vegetable
  • poached egg
  • avocado

More Rice Recipes:

  • Rustic Tofu Wild Rice Soup
  • Roasted Beet and Rice Salad
  • Effortless Vanilla Bean Rice Pudding

Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (8)

Easy Vegan Instant Pot Congee

Comforting vegan rice porridge, made in the instant pot with dried mushrooms, garlic, and ginger for umami. This savory meal is topped with vegetables, sesame seeds, and green onions.

4.88 from 8 votes


Prep Time :5 minutes minutes

Cook Time :30 minutes minutes

Additional Time :30 minutes minutes

Total Time :1 hour hour

Yield: 4 servings

Author: Amanda Paa



  • 1 cup dry white rice, long grain or jasmine
  • 7 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 ounce dried sh*take or dried mixed mushrooms
  • 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1 thumb sized chunk of ginger, cut into 4 pieces
  • tamari (gluten-free) or soy sauce
  • any toppings listed in body of blog post


  • Add rice to a fine mesh strainer and rinse for 20 seconds, rubbing grain between your fingers to help remove some starch.

  • Drain, then add to Instant Pot insert, along with water, salt, mushrooms, garlic, ginger.

  • Place cover on Instant Pot, lock, and set to high pressure for 30 minutes.

  • Once finished cooking, let the congee fully naturally release.

  • Open the lid and stir. Remove ginger chunks with a slotted spoon.

  • Congee will be creamy and oatmeal like. Add more water if you’d like it thinner. The rice will thicken as it cools.

  • Important, Top with drizzle of soy sauce or tamari (this is the salty component), then all of your toppings!


*Stovetop Instructions: Follow directions above, except add to a stock pot on the stove. Bring to a boil, then turn down to a very small simmer, and let cook for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, stirring occasionally so rice does not stick to bottom.

Leftover congee will last up to 5 days in the refrigerator. To reheat on the stove top, add a bit of water for each serving and stir to get back to regular consistency.

Instant Pot Congee Recipe - vegan (stovetop directions included) (2024)


What is the secret to making congee? ›

Whisking the congee is our secret for making restaurant-quality congee that's full-bodied and almost-creamy. This technique will help break down more of the rice grains and let those starches out to thicken the congee. If it gets too thick at any point, you can always thin it out by adding some boiling water.

What is the best rice for congee? ›

Congee can be made with many different types of rice. Use basic white long-grain rice if you like; jasmine rice is a favorite as well. Other long-grain rice varieties like basmati can create a nice congee, and even short-grain rice will work. Cooking times may vary with any of these options.

What's the difference between porridge and congee rice cooker? ›

The simplest and biggest difference to tell apart what is a congee and a porridge, is the texture of the rice. The rice in congee is utterly cook to the point it dissolved into a glue-ly / starchy texture. Porridge on the other hand, the rice still retain mostly its shape and have clearly soup / water base.

Why is my congee so thick? ›

The water to rice ratio is important to gain the correct consistency in your congee. Some people like their congee thicker and others like it more dilute. It is all up to your personal preference and is a very easy variable to control. If the consistency is too thick, add more water and let it simmer.

What can I add to congee for flavor? ›

The cherry-on-top to congee are the add-ons:
  1. Slivered scallions.
  2. Fresh ginger.
  3. Fish sauce.
  4. Chili oil.
  5. Dried shrimp.
  6. Fried shallots.
  7. Jammy eggs.
Nov 17, 2020

What is the perfect texture for congee? ›

After about 45 minutes, the porridge should reach a smooth, silky, creamy consistency. That's when you know you're done. (It's a forgiving recipe. If the congee looks too thick, add some more water and let it cook down for a few more minutes.

Is congee just overcooked rice? ›

Congee or Rice Porridge

Here's how to make congee, the savory Chinese rice porridge, out of overcooked rice: Bring a couple of inches of water to a boil in a sauce pan and start adding the mushy rice, a couple of spoonful's at a time. Break them up with a whisk, as you add them to the water.

Is congee healthier than rice? ›

Still, if you dig deeper into its nutritional facts, the filling dish has a surprisingly low-calorie content. The more water you add to the dish, the lower the carbohydrates, allowing you to derive 30 calories for every 100 grams of rice porridge compared to the 100 calories you would get in plain rice.

Should you wash congee rice? ›

Wash the rice.

Washing it off leads to a silkier, creamier congee. If you don't properly wash your rice, your congee could become really slimy and sticky, which won't get you the same light mouthfeel that properly cooked congee has.

Why is congee so healthy? ›

The benefits of congee and looser porridge result from long, slow cooking with lots of water, transforming food into a meal that hydrates, supports digestion & soothes the stomach. Congee improves digestion by soothing and balancing the entire digestive tract and every organ of digestion.

How many types of congee are there? ›

Congee can be eaten plain or with a variety of side dishes and toppings such as soy sauce, added to enhance taste, as well as dried salted fish or fried breadsticks (ឆាខ្វៃ, cha kway). There are two main versions of congee: plain congee, and chicken congee (បបរមាន់, babor mŏən).

Is congee good for constipation? ›

Rice absorbs a lot of water when cooked normally. And when we prepare Congee, we cook it with way more water or broth than usual. This extra water slowly hydrates our body throughout the day. Another fascinating thing about Congee is that it is effective for both Constipation and Diarrhea.

What is the water ratio for congee? ›

Thick congee – For 1/2 cup rice you will need 4 cups of water in the Instant Pot, or 8 cups of water for the stovetop. It will yield a result like creamy oatmeal. Medium-thick congee – For 1/2 cup rice, you will need 5 cups of water in the Instant Pot and 10 cups of water for the stovetop.

Can you overcook congee? ›

The Chinese use the character word zhou 粥 (meaning gruel) - looking at those wavy watery lines on either side tells you about how it's cooked... Overcooked glutinous rice gives congee its translucent color and bloppy texture.

What is the ratio of rice to water for congee? ›

There isn't a scientific method for making congee and everyone has their own preferred consistency. Instead of a fixed ratio, I'd like to recommend a range (by volume): for 1 cup of uncooked rice, you'd need 8 to 10 cups of water.

Why is my congee not thickening? ›

It might look thin once it's done cooking, but it will thicken up a bit once you stir it well and let it sit for a few minutes. If you want to change the texture of the congee, turn on the “Saute” function and let it boil down for a few minutes and stir constantly, until it turns thicker.

How do you fix a bland congee? ›

To give additional flavor to the soup, incorporate scallions, sh*take mushrooms, ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil, and pepper. Adding any vegetables you might have in the fridge boosts the nutritional value significantly, since congee itself is not vitamin-packed.

How do you make congee more watery? ›

After blending,add your marinated minced pork & ginger and continue to cook the congee over medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently. If you think the congee is too thick, add some water to thin it down.


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.