Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)

AID Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1914. "How do you like your new music master?" "He is a very nice. polite young man. I made a mistake yesterday, he said: 'Pray, mademoiselle, why do you take so much pains to improve upon "-Le Figaro.

If You want something good for hay fever and catarrh, cold in head, sneezing, hacking cough, deafness, headache, ringing ears, dry nose, bronchitis and inflammations of the skin and tissue, drop into any drug store and get a 25 or 50 cent sanitary tube of KONDON'S Original and Genuine Catarrhal Jelly Or if you are skeptical and wish to try the merits of Kondon's before you buy, write us quick for a free trial sample and booklet. You will never regret getting in touch with this good old remedy. KONDON'S has been doing good, for, nearly twenty-five years. 35,000 druggists sell and guarantee it to please or will refund your money. Could anything be fairer? Write us now before you forget it.

Don't take a substitute. KONDON MFG. CO. Minneapolis, Minn. TAYLORVILLE COUPLE WILL BE MARRIED Miss Charlotte Glover Will Become Bride of Alderman William W.

Daigh. TAYLORVILLE, Nov. announcement is authorized of the approaching marriage of Alderman William Wetzel Daigh, of the Second ward, the be youngest son of Policeman and Mrs. Joseph Daigh, to Miss Charlotte Glover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Glover of East Ash street. The wedding will take place early in December in the parsonage of the Methodist church Rev. M. G. Coleman officiating.

The couple will reside in this city, their bungalow now being completed, on West Market street. The bride is well known and highly esteemed, and has lived here all her life and attended the local schools. For the past eight years she has been in charge of the ready-to-wear department in the Morrison dry goods store. prospective bridegroom is particknown. Besides serving as alderman of nis ward, he is a promimember of the Elks' lodge and also a member of the Masonic lodge.

He is the proprietor of the city's foremost pantatorium and dry cleaning plant. Achenbach-Teaters. The marriage of Miss Beulah Teaters, niece of Mrs. Elvira Perrine, of East Franklin street, and John Achenbach, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Achenbach, retired farmers of the City Park A "DRESSY" CHAT About a Man and His Clothes We open the door on all that is BEST in- GOOD clothes for men and young men. We promise you more in STYLE, in. FABRIC, in faultless TAILORING, in SELLING SERVICE, and SATISFACTION than ever before. 0'Coats SUITS $15.00 $12.00 $18.00 $15.00 $20.00 $18.00 $25.00 $20.00 FITFORM SHOES UNDERWEAR Men's shoes in all leathers Ask to see the White Cat and shapes. Button or blucher.

Klosed Krotch union suits. $2.50 to $5.00 $1.00 to $5.00 The Bohon Store BLICKLE SCHLIE-CO. Both Eldorado Phones 1777 Broadway Sure Way To Save And Beautify Hair Stop Falling Hair -Grow -Fluffy, Lustrous, Beautiful. Right now--this very minute -that dull, lustreless, slowly-dying hair of yours is literally crying for help. The scalp is clogged with dandruff that imbeds itself into every pore and follicle and smothers hair life.

Nature's oil secretions are cut off. hair parched and choked. No wonder it is falling out, breaking off, dry, brittle, without life, scraggy and thin. Your hair needs Harfina- must have itor you will go from bad to worse- then baldness! Harfina is a hair grower, a hair feeder, a scalp stimulant, a pro ducer of real hair beauty, A single 50- cent bottle will prove to any one in Decatur how it gives the hair a fascinating gloss, fluff and lustre, makes it strong, stops it from falling, removes -and keeps away- every trace of dandruff or itching. And best of all, Harfina actually causes fine, new downy hair to sprout out all over the scalp-hair that will grow long, beautiful and luxuriant -because Harfina goes right down into each hair root and supplies the life-producing properties that make the hair grow.

These results are absolutely guaranteed by The Decatur Drug who sell and recommend Harfina, and who will refund price to any dissatisfied purchaser. Easily Put On Without Touching the Lenses With one hand, you can put on or take off the handsome Eyeglasses, And when you put them on they will STAY, in spite of any wind or violent outdoor exercise. You will be more than surprised to find that the PERFECT ADJUSTMENT we can give you with Fits- Eyeglasses avoids even the slightest degree of discomfort. The genuine, popular Fits-U-with the name stamped in the bridge -costs no more than the imitations. Remember that we are headquarters for Fits-U Eyeglasses, R.

C. AUGUSTINE, Mfg. Optician. 143 N. Water St.

addition, will take place at the Perrine, home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Thanksgiving day, at noon, Rev. M. G. church, or officiating.

The couple will Coleman, pastor of the Methodist take short honeymoon trip to Chiand will make the'r home on the cago bridegroom's farm, in South Fork township. Children Cared For. La Verne Steward, aged 11, and Mamie, aged 7. the two youngest West children of Mrs. Mattie Stewart, of Cross street, were declared dependent Saturday afternoon in the county court by Judge Prater.

LaVerne was placed in care of Ed Allton, with whom he will remain indefinitely. Mamie is still with her mother, but a home will be found for her at once. In the case of Viola Stewart, aged 15, another child of Mrs. Mattie Stewart, who was brought before the court as a delinquent child, no orders were issued for her yet. The young girl told friends of hers that she had a loaded revolver ready to turn on herself in case she was sent to a home for delinquent girls.

Taylorville Briefs. At 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Samuel Madison, colored servitor for Mrs. D. D. Shumway, of this city, was marI ried at the home of the bride in Dunkel, to Miss Julia A.

Steele. Mr. Madison has for 15 years been in the employ of Mrs. Shumway. At 4 o'clock Saturday night, in an attempt to cross the street ahead of George Finley's automobile, Herman Speakman, aged 11, was struck by the machine, receiving a flesh wound in the left thigh.

Several stitches were taken in it. Mr. Finley was going at an ordinary rate of speed, and the lad's actions took him by surprise. Charles Darwin, a colored teamster residing on West Third street, lost a team Sunday night, due to "corn stalk disease." The animals died in great pain and agony. So frenzied became one animal in its death throes that it climbed on top of a henhouse and died.

The team cost $400. The death toll of local horses to date is 8. Joseph I. Bantner, a young Assumption miner, will be married at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning to Miss Marguerite Votrain, of that town, in the Catholic church in Assumption. HEAR EVERSOLE CASE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY Newman Man Sued for Damages Because of Alleged Negligence in Driving.

TUSCOLA, Nov. October term of the Douglas county circuit opened Monday morning at 9 o'clock, with Judge Franklin H. Boggs, court, of Urbana, on the bench. The first case called on the docket for trial was that of the public administration in behalf of the estate of Leon Hance, deceased, against Henley Eversole. This case came from Newman and over one hundred persons as witnesses or spectators.

from that do town were in court either The case is a damage suit against Henley Eversole, who is charged with having been driving in a negligent manner. an. automobile, which struck and inflicted fatal injuries on Leon Hance, who was injured when ran out from school at the noon hour and fell in front of the car. The question of neguigence on the part of the driver seems to be the main part of the contention for damages. Two years ago a jury brought a verdict of $2,500 against the defendant.

but on account of a faulty instruction the case when taken on appeal to the appellate court was reversed and remanded. Most of the time Monday was consumed in hearing the testimony for the plaintiff and it seemed to be about the same as two years ago, although the law advanced was somewhat different from that quoted at the last hearing of the case. From all appearance it will take most of the morning Tuesday to complete the hearing of this case. It is thought that the next case to come up will be of Walter Apperson against Alfred Beizley. This concerns a real estate deal and comes Bourbon township.

civil and damage suits against Mayor Hance, of Newman, for shooting Edward Calvib, of Newman, and Charles F. Smart, a Decatpot traveling man at the H. in Newman, several months ago, were continued, Mr. Galvin is still confined to his bed and neither side was anxious for trial. Mr.

Smart, as well as Eli Edwards, a H. D. brakeman. through whose trouser leg a bullet from Hance's gun passed, were here to prosecute the case but will be compelled to await at hearing at the March term of the circuit court. Petit Jurors.

The petit jurors in court at this term are as follows by townships: Arcola-Elmer Winterringer, J. A. Bradley, John Mohren, Harry Pfeifer, Al Whisnand, Fred Munson, G. W. Smith, Earl Watson and Alva Watson.

Bourbon-G. P. Clausen. Bowdre-Hiram Duffle, Steve Munson and James Dixon. Camargo- Carl Davis, J.

L. Pickard and Bert Hopewell. Garrett--Everett Taylor, Roland Salyers and Thomas Frahm. Murdock--Elmer Fonner and William Huber. Newman-V.

D. Chilcote. Sargent-M. B. Gilbert, Fred Jones and A.

E. Scott. Tuscola-A. A. Crossman, C.

A. Riner, John E. Astell, John Bundy, William Gill, Oscar Moody, William F. Brian, Pete Lieb, William Waldrop, George F. Land and W.

F. Goff. "Senator" William E. Pauley is serving ties. on court as one of the special depuSheriff-elect C.

N. Jones, who has been deputy sheriff during the administration of sheriff Stovall for the past four years, is attending court and becoming more familiar with court procedure which he already knows almost as well as if he had already occupied the office of sheriff. Tuscola Briefs. Bert W. Wamsley, foreman of the LaGrange Citizen and a former Tuscola printer, was the guest of old friends in this city Monday, where he formerly worked.

He was enroute back to work from Arthur, where he attended Sunday a reunion of the Campbell families, of which he is a member. Among the out-of-town attorneys in the city Monday attending circuit court were Attorneys Fitzgerald of Decatur, Frank O'Haire of Paris, Edward C. Craig of Mattoon, Marion Watson of Arthur, and Eph Walker of Arcola. The next meeting of the Mothers' club will be held next Wednesday week, December 2, with Mrs. George H.

Fuller. George E. Combes, the Villa Grove jeweler, was county seat Monday, on' legal business. A. McKeen went to Royal Monday looking after an insurance claim.

Commissioner of Highways D. H. Barracks returned Saturday evening from a short hunting trip along the Illinois river. He brought home with him 47 fine ducks. A surprise shower was given on Miss Nina Shelton last evening, in anticipation of her approaching marriage just after Christmas.

Don V. Buchanan is in Chicago this week on business for the Star Store. Marriage Licenses. Alois Kleiss, 20, Tuscola; Julia Magsaman, 22, Pesotum. Frank E.

Tibbals, 34, Tuscola; Gretchen L. Root, 25, Newman. Mrs. Owen Taylor and Mrs. George C.

Jeffers were visitors in Decatur Monday morning. MAROA ANNOUNCES ANNUAL SERMON Thanksgiving Services Will Be Held Wednesday in Christian Church. MAROA, Nov. union Thanksgiving services will be held Wednesday evening, instead of Thursday morning, as has been the custom, in the Christian church, and Rev. Peter Kittle will preach the sermon.

On account of the change there will be no mid-week prayer meeting in either of the churches. Maroa Brlefs, There will be no school sessions here next Thursday and Friday. Word has been received, by friends, from Miss Manetta Harvey, in Arcola, that she will return to Maroa Sunday after Thanksgiving, to resume her duties as teacher in room four in the Maroa public schools. W. H.

Stonebreaker and brother, L. W. Stonebreaker, and family went to Decatur Sunday to pass the day with Mr. and Mrs. Bain Stonebreaker.

Clarence Sigler and family, of Decatur, visited the former's father, R. Sigler, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goble, of Sullivan are the new employes in the Cooper restaurant.

Guy Covault, who had been visiting with Mrs. Maria Covault for a week, left Friday for Manistee, where he will visit a few days with his daughter. Mrs. J. H.

N. Davis, of Chicago, came Thursday for a few days' visit in the home of M. E. Houston, one mile north of town. Mrs.

Anna Ferrill and two children, of Decatur, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Parker Sunday. Travis Redmon, who nas been at Eagle Grove, Iowa, for some time, has returned Maroa. Fred Allsup and children, Mrs.

John Marsh and Mrs. Bart Clough were Decatur visitors Saturday. Mrs. French, of New York, is in Maroa for a few days in the interest of the New Idea magazine. Miss Olive Clifton was in Decatur on business Friday.

E. Cottet was in Niantic the greater part of last week, on business for the Maroa Manufacturing company. Our High school teachers, Miss Leona Bowman, Miss Erna Reller and D. P. Mitchell, who attended the state conference at Champaign last Friday, rehome Saturday.

Miss Alma Harris is taking course in the Keister Tailoring school in Decatur. Mrs. V. R. Grady will be hostess to the Social Rambler club Tuesday afternoon, instead of Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Grady and daughter, Miss Velma, will spend Thanksgiving with Rev.

S. N. Wakefield and family in Georgetown. Howard Smith was a Clinton visitor Saturday. The reception that was held in the home of Mrs.

J. Crocker Friday night for Miller, the new pastor of the Presbyterian church, and his family, was largely attended Mrs. M. E. Houston entertained the members of the R.

E. Country club Thursday afternoon. The next meeting, in two weeks, will be with Mrs. Abe Shoemaker. Albert Riskind was a Decatur business caller Friday.

A basketball game is scheduled for Thanksgiving afternoon between Argenta and Maroa teams, beginning about 2 o'clock. At 3 o'clock a football game will take place between Clinton and Moroa. Thanksgiving night the Maroa basketball team will go to Kenney to play the team at that place. STOCK RECEIPTS SMALL. EAST ST.

LOUIS, Nov. 24-Although the "hoof and mouth" quarantine orders at the local stockyards were lifted Monday to permit shipments to St. Louis, cattle receipts for the day were only 50 per cent. of normal. Expectation of the yard managers that the volume of business would be near that of the days before the epidemic among live stock failed of realization.

GERMAN PRINCE IMPROVES. AMSTERDAM, Nov. August William (fourth son of the German emperor) who was injured in a motor car accident, is improving but complete recovery will take a long time," says the Berlin corespondent of the Telegraaf. The corespondent adds: "The reports that the crown prince has been wounded are unfounded." Pain Anywhere Quits Quick MEN-THO-EZE is the new marvel quick relief. No more blistering mustard ointments with their nauseating mustard odor.

MENTHOEZE The Liniment Ointment MEN-THO-EZE is cleanly and pleasant to use, never burns, irritates or blisters. There is nothing like it for quick relief in cases of rheumatic pain, sore muscles, stiff joints, backache, lumbago, stiff neck, earache, headache, neuralgia, sore throat, cold on the chest, croup, chilblains, catarrh, piles, sprains, burns and bruises. Contains no injurious drugs. MEN-THO-EZE is sold at all drug stores, 25c a box, or sent direct by Medical Fort Dodge, Iowa. For sale and recommended in Decatur by Decatur Drug Company.

After Measles Whooping Cough or Scarlet Fever the extreme weakness often results in impaired hearing, weakened eyesight, bronchitis and other troubles, but if Scott's Emulsion is given promptly, it carries strength to the organs and creates rich blood to build up the depleted forces. Children thrive on Scott's Emulsion. 14-71 It is Free from Alcohol SCOTT. 6 BOWNE: BLOOMFIELD. "A Shine In Drop" BLACK SILK Get a Can TO-DAY STOVE POLISH From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer Protect Yourself Horlicks Malted Ask for ORIGINAL GENUINE The Food Drink for all -Others are Imitations CLUB IN BEMENT FLANS PROGRAM Mrs.

Laura WIll 1 Entertain Women McClure, Home Tuesday Afternoon. The Woman's Club will meet with Mrs. Laura McClure, Tuesday afternoon. Program: Roll Call-Receipt Exchange. Home Economic SIss Edna Skinner, Domestic Science department of Millikin University.

Quartet, Plantation Edna Moore, Mrs. Wilbert Dowson, Mrs. A. Field, Mrs. Earl Folk, Accompaniment, Miss Rebecca Clark.

Piano duet-Mrs. Wilbert Dowson and Miss Rebecca Clark. Current Events. Church Home Coming. There was an attendance of sixtythree at the Christian Endeavor coming Sunday evening.

The following program was given. Opening Song. Prayer. Trio-Misses Edna Moore, Minnie Fisher and Katheryn Fisher. The C.

E. Society Then-Mrs. J. Bodman. The C.

E. Society Now-Harry N. Hayes. Joy in Service. Mrs.

W. A. Steel. Piano L. Byerline, Miss Rebecca Clark.

What Have We to be Thankful For? -Miss Floy Cochran. Our Ambitions--Miss Gussie Parker. Vocal duet--Miss Elzora Fisher and Ross Taylor. The C. E.

A Joyous Life--Miss Alice Downard. The C. E. A Training School- -Rev. N.

C. Shirey. C. E. Benediction.

Bement Briefs. Mitchell sehool cleared $35 at the Theo social Saturday evening. Miss Elizabeth Tucker, won the doll, John Hammon an apron for being the neatest housewife and a box of cigars for the biggest smoker was won by John Sebens. Mr. and Mrs.

Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Fairmount, Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes of Champaign, Mr.

Burke of Terre Haute, Mrs. Crawford of Greencastle, Mr. Youngman and children of Bloomington, Mrs. Jewell and daughters of Tuscola, Mr. and Mrs.

C. A. Burks of Decatur were among those who attend. ed the funeral of Mrs. William Hughes Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. C. O. Dowding and children of Monticello, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.

William Bradley. Mrs. A S. Ward was a Decatur vis. itor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Siders entertained Dr.

and Mrs. F. N. Grimsley and children and Mr. and Mrs.

Cundrall of Decatur Sunday. Flo Hinton returned to Decatur Monday after a few days visit with her brother James Hinton. Oscar Baker was in Milmine Monday. Mrs. Laura McClure and Miss Gussie Dy Arman were guests a Sunday of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Baker. Miss Daisy Lodge, Miss Alta Body, Fred Williams and Carl Draper motored from Decatur Sunday and were guests of Miss Bess Coffin. Will Madden of Homer passed Saturdass and Lena Sunday Collins in and Bement. a Miss Zoe Harshbarger of Danville, were week end guests of the latter's ents, Mr.

and Mrs. W. D. Coffin. W.

D. Madden of Homer is visiting his mother, Mrs. Dave Dawson. WILL VOTE ON CITY MANAGER LOS ANGELES, amendments presented today to the city council, which will procliam a special election December 28, provide for a city manager and a board of eleven directors, in addition to the mayor and city council. If the amendments are adopted at the election, Los Angeles will be the first city of its size in the country to have a general manager.

Under the amendments as drafted, only the mayor and council will be DOUBLE CIGAR. elected. The manager will ed by the city council, subject be appoint. veto power of the mayor and to the ager in turn shall appoint the mandirectors, who will supersede the eleven city commissioners who various under civil service rules. will be The Convenience of Two Pairs of Glasses I Did you ever break a lens just after the stores closed or on Saturday night- that you had to sit around and twiddle your thubs until you could have a new one made? Not a very pleasant experience, is it? If you had two pairs of glasses, an accident to one of them wouldn't inconvenience you for a moment.

Let us duplicate that prescription for you. The cost is small and the satisfaction great. Wallace Li Weatherby, OPTICAL SHOP. 106 E. William St.

Don't Know What To Have For Thanksgiving ving Dinner? Yes, we know it's a problem for a woman to get up a dinner, and to get just the right things. Well, all we want to say is that if you will come into this store at any time you will always find a large variety of eatables fit for a king. We are showing so many things that it would be useless to try and mention every one here so we advise that you come to the store and see what we have to offer. We carry the finest stock of staple and fancy groceries in the city. Below we mention a few of the many suggestions for the things that go to make a delicious dinner.

Extra Hawaiian Chief Special Pineapples 60c Jar Rex Extract Beef 40c This week for this week per dozen $2.50 Turkeys Chickens CHEESE. HOWE'S EXTRA LARGE Holland Whole Milk Edam, far superior to CRANBERRIES. the skim milk Edam commonly sold. CORN ON THE COB IN GLASS Holland Crustless Cheese, Camembert, Cheese in tins, Roquefort, Society Brand, AND TIN. Swiss, genuine imported New York full Fancy Imported Layer Raisins.

Blue Label, Nippy and Pimento in Figs and Stuffed Dates. cream, Genuine Maraschino Cherries. jars. Extra Small Mushrooms. Fancy Bellflower Apples, Malaga Grapes, Soft Shell English Walnuts, Heinz Mince Meat, Curtice Golden Pumpkin.

Valencia Oranges Black Diamond Grape Fruit. Chase and Sanborn Coffee Hundreds Order Good Things Snerly Prompt of Other L. W. by Phone to Eat. Delivery.

259 N. Main St. Decatur, Ill..

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.