Guide for Slay The Spire (2024)

This page covers the remaining, miscellaneous achievements that are not related to specific characters (although they might be easier with certain characters than others). As always, there are multiple ways to get all of these achievements, so if my suggestions aren't working for you feel free to refer to other solutions on this site or elsewhere!

For the Adrenaline achievement you need to get 9 energy in one turn. This is easiest, I am quite sure, with the Ice Cream relic that lets you keep unspent energy between turns. If you have that relic and only want this achievement, all you have to do is skip your turn three times (assuming you have three energy per turn, and your opponent will not kill you in three turns), and the cheevo is yours. You can then restart the combat using the cheese function detailed earlier in this walkthrough. You get:

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  • Adrenaline

    Have 9 Energy during a single turn of combat.

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For Come at Me you need to win a fight without playing any attacks. This can be done most easily with the Silent using poison or the Defect using its free lightning orb. It's even easier if, while playing with the Defect, you can choose the starting bonus Enemies in your first three combats have 1 hp. In this case, you can choose that bonus and simply skip your turn, thereby activating your lightning orb and killing one enemy. Repeat until all enemies are dead (thanks vSully). You get:

  • Come At Me

    Win a combat without playing an Attack.

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The Common Sense achievement requires you to finish Act 3 using only common cards. This is not as hard as it sounds and is doable with any character. The Defect, for example, has several 0-cost common cards that you can cycle through quite effectively if you're lucky. The Silent has common poison cards. Ironclad common cards are in general quite strong. The Watcher can change stances with only common cards and you get a huge attack bonus. The main thing is to get as many relics to help you as possible. Therefore, playing on Ascension 1 is a good idea so you get more elites and more relics. A few decent relics and you won't notice that you don't have and uncommon or rare cards at all. Some have mentioned that you only need to not have any common cards at the boss at the end of Act 3, so if you have non-common cards but can remove them before your final fight, you could be good to go. You get:

  • Common Sense

    Beat the game with a deck containing no uncommons or rares.

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The Eternal One achievement is obtained by getting all other achievements. You get:

For the Infinity cheevo you need to create a so-called infinite combo and play 25 cards in one turn. An infinite combo occurs when the cards you play enable you to play the same or other cards repeatedly in an endless loop. I actually found this to be quite confusing. Any character has the chance to create this kind of combo but you definitely need to know what you are doing. I found it easiest with the Watcher because she has two starter cards that can help - Eruption and Vigilance. The former lets you enter Wrath stance, the latter Calm stance. The third card you need is Rushdown which draws two extra cards every time you enter Wrath. The idea is to reduce the number of cards in your hand to as few as possible, in this case 6 or 7 max (to ensure you get the cards back in your hand), and upgrade Eruption so it only costs one energy. Other Calm-entering cards work as well, in particular if they only cost 1 energy to play, such as Fear No Evil or Inner Peace. You then want to get into a position where you have played Rushdown and are in Calm. You then play Eruption to enter Wrath and draw two cards thanks to Rushdown. If you have few enough cards you will redraw Eruption despite having just played it, and Vigilance or other Calm-stance card. You will have your Calm-stance card in your hand which you play, and then you can replay the Eruption, draw two more cards, and repeat the cycle. The best thing about using the Watcher is that you get more energy for exiting Calm stance, so any cards that will let you enter and exit Calm are very useful.

To be honest, it's a bit of a pain getting all the right cards in the right situation and it took me some time to even understand what I was supposed to do. But eventually it all fell into place. You get:

  • Infinity

    Play 25 cards in a single turn.

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The Minimalist achievement requires you to complete Act 3 with a deck of five or less cards. You could combine this achievement with the Infinity one, since they both require very small decks. Your main problem here is to get the deck small enough as your opportunities to remove cards are limited. It is NOT recommended to try this with the Silent as she has two more starting cards than everyone else. Personally, I did this with the Watcher and a five-card deck with three copies of Pressure Points that I could cycle through and ramp up huge damage very quickly without bothering about changing stances. You can have more cards through your run as long as you only have five or less when you beat the Act 3 boss. You get:

  • Minimalist

    Beat the game with a 5 card deck or smaller.

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In the main menu, choose Daily Climb and complete it. If you find the modifiers too hard on a given day, just wait until a day when you get more helpful modifiers. You get:

  • My Lucky Day

    Win a Daily Climb.

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For the Perfect achievement you need to beat an act boss without taking any damage. Can be tricky but not beyond the realms of possibility. Personally, I think that the Slime boss in Act 1 is the easiest. You get two turns without it attacking to build up your buffs and attack for big damage, and then the smaller blobs will split in half at half their current health. Get a deck that does big damage (Ironclad is probably your best bet) and wail on those nerds and use the save scum cheese if needed. You get:

  • Perfect

    Defeat a boss without taking any damage.

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The Powerful achievement asks you to get ten unique buffs during combat. Your buffs are the small icons underneath your character, for example draw a card when another is exhausted, or poison damage that automatically applies every turn. There are a lot of these buffs. I found it easiest with the Silent only because she seems to have access to more than others. Anything that gives you extra X when Y happens, bonus Z, extra X per turn, Y happens when a card is played - they all count as buffs. With the Silent you can use poison, extra card draw, extra energy next turn, etc. By the way, Powers normally come with buffs, so if you can play a lot of powers you'll get the buffs needed as well - Creative A.I. on Defect is a good card here since it gives you a power at the start of each turn. You get:

  • Powerful

    Have 10 or more buffs during combat.

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You need three or fewer cards in your hand, draw, and discard piles combined to get the Purity achievement. Sounds hard but it's easy with Ironclad if you get a True Grit early. This card exhausts another card when played, so just try to play it as many times as possible to reduce your total number of cards. If you concentrate on the achievement you can use the save cheese to replay the combat if you're going to lose. Any other card(s) that exhaust themselves or others are also handy. You get:

  • Purity

    Have 3 or fewer cards in hand, draw, and discard pile combined.

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At the time of writing I have ended a combat on 1hp less than ten times, which is needed for the Shrug It Off achievement. It's hard to get this by planning as you are relying on the enemy attacking you for a specific amount, you blocking (or not) for a specific amount, and being able to finish the fight at the appropriate time. In fact, I'd say not to stress about this until you've done everything else and only then if you haven't got it yet. Might be easiest to plan with the Enemies in first three combats have 1hp starting bonus since you know you can kill the enemy or enemies as soon as you are down to 1 hp. On the other hand, this is quite likely to come naturally over your hundreds of hours of playtime. You get:

  • Shrug It Off

    Win a battle with 1 HP remaining.

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The Speed Climber achievement was my final one (apart from Eternal One of course). This is, in my opinion, the hardest in the game. You need an encyclopaedic knowledge of the game including the ability to decide on the cards you want and the path to take within seconds. I think this is easiest with Ironclad because his cards are generally hard-hitting and you don't want to waste time thinking about anything, instead you just want to lay waste to your foes as quickly as possible. Anything for more strength and AOE is good. Remove defends if you can and play on Ascension 0 or 1. I found that I needed to finish the first two Acts within 11 or 12 minutes to have a chance at finishing Act 3 before the 20 minutes are up. To help you, turn on Fast Mode in the options which speeds up combat animations. Go to shops if you like but don't spend time thinking about what to buy, just get the most obvious choice and if you don't know within five seconds what that is, just skip the shop. You can also use shops to speed up your run since you are avoiding spending time fighting when you visit one. Likewise, event rooms can be useful. When I got this cheevo I had the Juju Bracelet relic which is normally not so great since it removes the chance of combats in event rooms, but it is perfect for this because you can be sure that you will save time going for the question marks. I also used two Smoke Bomb potions which let you skip non-Boss fights. Again, normally these are not particularly useful since you want combats for more cards and money, but for this achievement they are perfect. The second one I was able to use at a difficult fight right before the Act 3 boss, and I finished on about 18 and a half minutes, so that potion basically got me the cheevo. Also, don't forget the save cheese method will also revert your timer to whatever it was at the beginning of the fight, so you can practice tricky fights a bit to work out how to win before you continue your run. Finally, I also used the enemies in first three combats have 1 health starting bonus since that lets you complete the first half of Act 1 super quickly, so if you are having trouble just start a run and die before the Act 1 boss to ensure that you can choose that bonus next time. You get:

  • Speed Climber

    Beat the game in under 20 minutes.

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For The Pact you need to exhaust 20 cards in one combat. You could do this using a shiv deck with the Silent, because each shiv exhausts when played. However, some enemies put status cards into your deck which also exhaust and therefore count towards this achievement, in particular the three sentries in Act 1. Each of the three will alternately attack and put two Dazed cards (which exhaust) into your deck. You only have to stay alive long enough for them to put 20 into your hand, for you to draw them, and for you to finish your turn at which point they exhaust. Every character has cards that exhaust, however, and there are also plenty of colourless cards that do so. The problem is getting 20 of them in one combat, which the three sentries practically guarantee. You get:

  • The Pact

    Exhaust 20 cards in a single combat.

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The Transient is a random enemy (not Elite) in Act 3, so this cheevo already requires some luck just to meet the right foe. He has 999 HP and will automatically die after five turns (6 on Ascension 17 or higher). So, 999 damage in 5 turns - easy, right?! Possibly the best ways to do this are a Silent deck that can stack poison very quickly using Catalyst, an Ironclad deck that can scale strength quickly, or any kind of infinite deck (for example the Watcher one detailed above). He will do a lot of damage if you are not careful, but his strength is reduced by every hit point he loses that turn so it's not necessarily too bad.

  • The Transient

    Defeat the Transient before it fades away.

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The Who Needs Relics achievement tasks you with completing Act 3 with only one relic. Be careful you do not choose the Enemies in next 3 combats... bonus at the start because that will give you another relic straight away. You CAN change your relic as a starting bonus, and you CAN choose your character's upgraded relic if available after a Boss fight. Otherwise you only have the one you start with at the beginning. But, on the other hand, you can pack out your hand with awesome cards. Ironclad is pretty good as his starting relic is possibly the best in the game, giving you free health after every combat. On the other hand, the other three characters (in my opinion) can easily benefit from a boss relic swap at the start, especially because the boss relics often give you more energy which will come in very handy. If you get the Black Star relic then you may as well restart your run - it makes Elites drop an extra relic but that doesn't help you now, does it? Also, for this cheevo you may as well avoid Elites where possible, unless you need a little bit of extra cash, since you can't get their biggest reward of more relics. You get:

  • Who Needs Relics?

    Beat the game with a single relic.

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For the You Are Nothing achievement you have to beat a boss on turn 1. This has to be a boss at the END of an Act, not one found in an event. This is quite tricky, but can be done by, for example, using an infinite combo as mentioned above, a Silent deck with a lot of card draw and zero-cost cards, or, if you are REALLY lucky, the Enemies in first 3 combats... starting bonus with a path that takes you to the boss through only two fights - unlikely, but possible. You get:

  • You Are Nothing

    Defeat a boss on turn 1.

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    4 guidesGuide for Slay The Spire (51)Guide for Slay The Spire (52)

And that's it! Now you can enjoy this awesome game without stressing about achievements. I hope this walkthrough helped you along your journey up the Spire!

4. Playable Characters

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Guide for Slay The Spire (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.