Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (2024)

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Technically this…

Plus this…

Should not equal this…

(which is down 2 pounds from my weigh in last week of 179). I did a horrible job on my Weight Watchers points this week, but made up for it with keeping up with my exercising. Even got up at 6am on Saturday to exercise… I purposely got out of my very warm, comfortable bed on a weekend to exercise. Not sure what kind of crazy got in me, but I’m glad it did. I actually even enjoyed it and it was a great start to my weekend!

The topic of Eat.Live.Be this week is “Your Biggest Challenge”. I am like so many others and can answer this with great ease. The biggest challenge I have in fulfilling my wish for a healthy lifestyle is… me. No one else. I have a very difficult time with the “all or nothing” mentality I talked about last week. If I mess up in the morning, I throw in the towel for the whole day because that’s how I am. I am that way in so many aspects of my life and it is something I am working desperately hard to overcome! Check out the list of Eat.Live.Be Bloggers at the bottom of this post to see how they are doing on our healthy lifestyle initiative. There are some really great, thought provoking posts.

Now, in the meantime, I’m going to share this Chocolate Malt Krispie Bar recipe with you. I made this for our Happiness Project group last week. It was quick to put together and different enough to get everyones attention. On top of that, I love malt (if you couldn’t tell from my Triple Chocolate Malt bread from yesterday) so these are pretty darn tasty! Enjoy (but in moderation… remember we are trying to be healthy around here!)

Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (5)

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Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars

Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars (from Taste of Home)

Author Dine & Dish


  • 4 cups malted milk balls divided
  • 1 package 10 ounces large marshmallows
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 5 cups crisp rice cereal
  • 1 cup malted milk powder divided
  • 2 cups 12 ounces HERSHEY’®S Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips


  • Chop 1 cup malted milk balls; set aside. In a Dutch oven, combine marshmallows and butter. Cook and stir over medium-low heat until melted. Remove from the heat; stir in the cereal, 3/4 cup malt powder and chopped candy. Press into a greased 13-in. x 9-in. pan.

  • In a microwave-safe bowl, melt chocolate chips; stir until smooth. Stir in remaining malt powder. Spread over cereal bars. Top with remaining malted milk balls. Let stand until set. Cut into squares. Yield: 2 dozen.

Eat.Live.Be. Bloggers:

Reader Interactions


  1. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (6)Jamie | My Baking Addiction says

    Woo-Hoo, Girl…Congrats! These Rice Krispie Bars look too good to pass up!

  2. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (7)Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction says

    These look so delicious! And, that’s fabulous that the scale has gone down, too… Congrats 🙂

  3. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (8)Estela @ Weekly Bite says

    Congrats on the weight loss! I with you about the moderation thing 🙂

    Those rice krispy bars look incredible!! Anything with chocolate malt balls has to taste good 🙂

  4. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (10)patsyk says

    I really, really want one of those rice krispie bars… but, I don’t think I could stop at 1!

    Congrats on the loss this week! That’s AWESOME and I’m impressed that you got up early on the weekend to workout! You inspire me!

  5. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (11)Bethany @Bridezilla Bakes says

    Way to go! Exercise really is key. And… it can actually be fun and a little addicting.

    You’re right — these bars are just different enough to be really intriguing! I am loving the malt recipes.

  6. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (12)Nancy@acommunaltable says

    I am hiding those photos from my teenagers.. otherwise I would have no peace at all!!! (I am saving the recipe for the mom’s version of a “get out of teenager jail free card”!!!) Congratulations on the downward trend of your scale!!!
    The key is that you EXERCISED – good for you!!!
    Here is a tip that I have used in nutrition counseling – build in rewards for your hard work that aren’t food related. For example – add 1 or 2 new favorite songs to your ipod but ONLY let yourself listen to them when you are exercising – you can also do the same thing with books/magazines.
    Keep up the good work!!!

  7. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (13)Amanda says

    You are killing me with the amazing desserts and breads you make… awesome job girl!

  8. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (14)Nisrine | Dinners & Dreams says

    The malt krispy bars are awesome and totally capable of me making forget about any diet.

  9. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (15)allison says

    These look insane … they have my name all over them. Kudos for getting up at 6AM and if you were 2 pounds down you must have been doing a lot more good then bad. keep it up!

  10. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (16)Maria says

    Love this recipe! Yay for early morning workouts:)

  11. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (17)Crystal says

    Congrats on the loss ;). For some unknown reason I absolutely adore Whoppers. YUM!

  12. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (18)Kimmy @ Lighter and Local says

    I love anything chocolate malt related. Seriously, it brings me unequaled happiness. 🙂

  13. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (19)Cookbook Queen says

    Kristen….why oh why can’t we be neighbors? I would have so very gladly taken a few of these off your hands (all in the name of your health, of course)

    They look great!!

  14. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (20)Tracy says

    Way to go! The bars look lovely too!

  15. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (23)marla {family fresh cooking} says

    I too am a fan of the early morning workouts, but I have learned to adapt to every other time of the day too. Thank goodness for that because I was way to “trapped” in routine. These bars look great & I am so proud of you for keeping your weight in check 🙂

  16. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (24)Joanne says

    I LOVE that you’ve showed the world that you can bake AND indulge a bit AND still lose weight! Now I just need to work on doing that. You and I have the exact same mentality and I really need to quit it. There’s no reason why eating ONE cupcake means I should then throw in the towel an eat a bag of chocolate chips. Seriously.

  17. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (25)Nicole says

    Congrats you’ve loose weight and still eats desserts! Woohoo!
    That Choco Malt Rice Krispie Bar looks amaZing! After eating that concoction, I’ll be needing extra minutes on the threadmill 😀

  18. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (26)Crystal says

    I saw this on Foodgawker and did an immediate, OMG I WANT TO MAKE THIS, then I remembered that I’m doing WW and am kicking booty on it and oh this would not bode well for me. Thought I would come and save it for a particularly indulgent time when I was feeling stronger. 🙂

    So the irony is that WW is the first thing you talk about. I am so going to fit these in soon!

  19. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (27)eat says

    hi , this looks like haven…..are you a godess? jajajaj , no really , congratulations, it seems to be delicious.regards

  20. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (28)Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles says

    I love malted milk balls and the fun milk carton-like box they come in! These look super good. Still pulling for you…I’m so excited to see you reach your goal!!

  21. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (29)Tickled Red says

    Can you please come motivate me to get up on Sat. and exercise?! I’m trying to rebuild some muscle tone and loose just a lil’ bit that I put on while I was sitting at home for 9mths. I did okay up until this last week. Yell at me Kristin 🙂 Loooove the recipes!!

  22. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (30)Nancy @SensitivePantry says

    Good job, Kristen! On the WW weigh-in and the krispie bars. Can I tell you a secret? I’ve never made krispie bars. True! If I decide to change that these are the ones I’d make. Hands down.

  23. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (31)Lori @ says

    yAY! Congrats on the loss. That’s the way you do it when you’re a food blogger. Enjoy your food and then exercise more!! I LOVE this recipe. I’m a chocolate malt ball fanatic, so this works for me!

  24. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (32)Sarah @ SwizzleBerry says

    Oh my gosh they sound and look delicious! I have a pack of Malteasers here, but definitely not 4 cups. I might need to put this on my to-do list for next week!

  25. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (33)Rhea says

    I love malted milk balls so these look fabulous! I’m going to make them for this weeks camping trip, I’ll be the most popular girl at camp!

  26. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (34)Rivki Locker (Ordinary Blogger) says

    Can I gain weight from looking at these photos? Gorgeous and scrumptious looking! Good luck with your weight loss goals.

  27. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (35)Caroline says

    Congratulations! I have a problem with the “All or Nothing” mentality, too. I’m starting to learn that messing up is ok, and I’ll feel worse if I throw in the towel for the whole day than owning up to my overeating or overindulgence and still attempting to stay on track the rest of the day. It’s a slow process, but I’m getting to the point that I don’t feel guilty for eating some cheesecake, or having seconds on dessert – every day is made up of hundreds of choices. Even if I screw up one, I have many opportunities to make the right ones. And from a mathematical standpoint, that would give me a success rate of 90+% – a winner in my book everytime!

  28. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (36)naomi says

    Congrats and BTW, I have the same “all or nothing” mentality.

    I love the recipe! It looks delish and I love how easy it is to make!

  29. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (37)Alison Moore Smith says

    I as down every single weigh in until Tuesday — when I’d gained almost two pounds. And I’ve been darn near religious on this diet. I want to cry.

  30. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (38)Alison Moore Smith says

    And, yes, I want to eat the chocolate malt crispie treats. Sheesh.

  31. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (39)Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets says

    Oh my these look amazing! And I love the Eat Live Be challenge. Loving each and every post I’ve seen.

  32. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (40)Wenderly says

    YAY! Way to go Kristen!!

  33. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (41)Chris says

    Not really sure where or why I missed this, but damn! 🙂 I think I am in love….

  34. Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (42)peabody says

    I want those malt ball krispie treats…yum!


  1. […] here to see the original: Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} | Dine … Related Posts:Recipe: Triple Chocolate Malt Quick Bread hints of Cinnamon | Dine … Chocolate, […]

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kristen, FoodNW. FoodNW said: Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} | Dine … […]

  3. […] Shredded Cheese Jalapenos Diced Onions Chopped Scallions Cilantro Fritos for Frito Pie Desserts Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars Simple Homemade Brownies Peanut Butter and Honey and Cranberry Krispies Treats Toffee Pecan […]

  4. […] Better-Than-BEEP! Brownies Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars Simple Homemade Brownies Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Pie Peanut Butter and Honey and Cranberry […]

  5. […] Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars by Dine and Dish. I made and took these on our last camping trip. They were a HUGE hit! […]

  6. […] Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars These cookies originated in Australia and New Zealand where they are known as “millionaire’s shortbread”… Equal parts candy and cookie, these slices are mind-blowingly good, thanks to an ideal mix of buttery, sugary, chocolaty, and salty flavors. All of the makings of a perfect dessert. [URL] […]

  7. […] Chocolate Malt Crispie Treats From Dine And Dish […]

  8. […] Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars by Dine and Dish. I made and took these on our last camping trip. They were a HUGE hit! […]

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Eat.Live.Be Week 4 {Recipe: Chocolate Malt Krispie Bars} (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.