Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1969, p. 6 (2024)

pillih the pin acton at b v hullord eardticmu sapt tt they aaev irow b iraw brhe be m bet abbl bwag 333 o bad mi mahf adaa be eb gaa front rba a mail ha the it of the bite i ratjtt paced by ibc trlpb of 74 docky haerb aad uw aaagtee of dua ascdobetl iii anet scaa vryoahoak 301 laaaaocka bade with tbak trivia bin end took coeanieed lar the beeae race aveaaara etyoebw paced by ml usaeot 443 aad jeee eboee 11 upper dropped uw ibrt canto to ow kbkal than eejuolieed at the eacoad bien t it pea bla end bairebad beau la the saab to tasks bit tag tad tolab baa oa rat tripat tad htaaat plateau foi upper bate hal isbease430aedlayataiaaaallf three taicoaau fof ow ttakee lota deaab ox eoaveried eightobi 444 area whit 47 aad bob grippe 40 bad lbovy strikee stabbed ow flnl tpeeea troen lokfkaa by 10 plat look he aeooad ho heaoaly bol lot out la tha tbbd by 13 plat aad aaltiad for a two tad tolab fcklw kafw wad m dtenae malheeoa l aad lyw cnm 11 headed up the bin going wlib tht laotl tot gpirfbet wx too shannon 443 tool ibowobii 7 aad miay fabka 111 llmif standing ihualock 7 lucky baikal stupeh j spufiree lmafcatlaveaearto caroline garden ccnte sipt i the astronaut felled so get off lfc fauachlng pad aad the ttnaaiinrfci atade bry gnaw warning om la thll the ivu night of the sir tad win btaua orvvorte fof sbaauockl uaiud la where k ml of bat ienioa by truadllai heat 751 111 biaxial nam tola foi the ghamncks were mary anderson sis 3 jo and al clouti 310 317 top wo lot ua attleanull mh iui robehloa 344 303 mary cloutm s 354 tad ivy nsertin 55 1951 vboupa lost the flnl canto la tuabel tdppah then apt avail la the woj wild harrow two pin win they wrapped mf tba flaak la fuu uvb foi lias baa ia pjut lotah tbt old buuabbf bob haiti bd lha ul hmda foi htoup4 with 710 30 fotkhmd by tiamy frijlan 541 1131 and cbitiim htriam 4m ho tom rot lha tlaibll toa mm howto juuv 671 144 yhm tlwbth 5m and ruby lauitua si i at wuh tha jab tad lha gbaioi u waj lata waula tha flitl tad bit im oaly to haw lha gliaiaa bull wtlh a blf win la tha mldji cuilo fof tha aktlalon point for tobb and fofce an evn aal oa tba bolala loaa cbanaaiw ljjk jaba prlmata j7 j43 aad laaa s0 353 locsad tbi gedboa tnukobaj kaal la tba lab ffora bora rba 344 1141 aady aadmna 341 113 aad ftaoan3m laaaaa ataadhar tbuaaocka 4 fayapa j gonooa 1 lab 1 tbabw toppart i a a uuc ipmmc numuiv ifl althoaab tha laaam pafaoaaal wt aot ofaaalaad baa ab ua bib martad b bilk ibak bobfcatf w ambatab a nail food aflora bara turaad us by tba aaiiln aocabtyiaadyliacklfaat aad ibto fitaanaaaial ul la tbt irlpbt kaat aolo affatta bar iijib by gaany uoali 100 ul waaaaa ml lma uaail ill ok wattart 141 tad aystybjdla 13 srotttaco*kntlll up v uooa ia fcl tbt bupi oat of tba bobkaj aajbada amy bbml tbay awl rat4a tbt bia kataa kiartla up bilb th aaaotta patlad u will tripb tad tlatbt bart laaaiaa als oha duaa 3jj oabbkb kid tuoa iwakit 3 j tajhany blayat iii 74atiar6il lha ba1 tot tbt abaalu ihowa ibsl tba maaba of bob caihowt 141 jot ruaajall 10 tad kd wood m van topi klolari ban btat tat 10 tad lotait to with tha roovsri buk can lawaadobtkj w3 utb ulddbtoa a7 tad luty kkajhl 130 tilpuad tad tiaaiinj rodiah waatat locabaj tha plat too bar but coupb of food uajbt bin boilad uaw whlu lt7 tad ab nbbtt m had aot ii waa t iwotad tolab wia fat tha haabim wlih tbt ouatatta bkuu tbt thoit tad jota kalahl 71 s04 flank ikktau 110 howla cathcafl 139 tad tvav bkuuiaa 3j tslplad and uajjad foi tha blaaart toot fot iht oututtt bw loan uoglaowty t0i ivaak si piart all tad lucy syaaott 30j uaaua ataadlnc uooa luai 4 llublai ptlotn 3 rockan- i ouuub iajboiua acton lames spt 10 it bat ktl dawy all iht way bhaa tht acwa ladua aufu pot uadaibty tbay auvla miy tjuaa a btanlnd oat ftoaa iht outuo ghoppa aaaa spvf 3s6 171 sua nchunatla si km and ebu kyou sfil 191 bart lop bio in tht bin htaduif up lha oauo tffortt ware baa aadaiton 353 354 ilia swtckhuaatai 543 310 and rttly ckayaa 411 171 nlabtni cloihlnt look tha flnt trail riders show at dales sept 7 rockwood trail ridert opet fill show on september 7 it the dale farm brought torn keen competition including one entry from nova scotia donna ledger daughter of mr and mr jim lodger of erin who teachei queatoiin skill in the eulem provinc wai the engllth champion or the ihow cindy hohenadel took the weitern champioruhip and cheryl erailie wai junior champion following are rendu of the competition western tvail cun- cindy uohaiuulal bob smith jim coiball batty shea kayholt rtmqndy hohnudel jaan peltllt don laidat faye mubuni novlca hbuunoiiii benion fnd btmta like daba daw coaa novice banelbub feeauion bury shea ron leader feed batn at wtaum rhauuntoai smith jim corbau bob smith bub fattuton flag racedon leader dave tayloi alike datm biny shea waaleni ridingtom smuh jim coibell barb fowiion suian weuuuttr weitain champion cindy hohtudal raearve championtom smith english pleaiutedonna laovei uary lutch bau euu di duncan scurry ranblba euii jackie rowe jew patttit dl duncan 11m libit fry i at rethy deep in eaitem congo there d a mlitioniry who ia a trained optician who apedalizei in adapting med apactaclea for his african friend recently he received from ihe wett nile district of uganda a parcel of tome 40 pain of glauei with the request that he should put stronger lone in them they were he said the strangest assortment of indent frames that he had ever teen but he tet to work and did what wis ueeded the reason for the reauett a new bible had been published for the west nile region the print it smaller than that of its pwdeceaior and to a number of bible readers round themselves in difficulties this made a very worthwhile job for the optician and he was abas to fit the allotted frames with the necassixy isjpjtm equltallonbaba elui donna lodger lisry hatch dl duncan working hunterdonai ladaer babe elba dl duncan david rowe hunter hack donna ladptr babt ellis uary hatch dl duncan open jumperdonna ltdfar biba euu jackie vtowe dl duncan enauih chimptoadoana ledger reatwbautlbt junior coihirw class- lynn duncan feus euii bub mubum greg dabs obstacle race fat rabbet ilia redl cheryl ernuie sack raotkuren oben john dabi dave pryor cheryl emsue lquluiloncheryl emaha dave rryor mlkl redl valerie curtail baml race ann debt bus euu cheryl eniuie dave pryer scurry racejudy hopes john deles cheryl emilie ksren oben junior champion cheryl emilie reserve champlonikeren ouen john dski bur elua dave pryot sell lots to residents dep reeve deputy reeve ted tyler proposed that council should retain about so per cent of municipallyowned land and tell it to resident who have been in acton for several yean during the enquiry session at but weeks council meeting acton is landlocked with tpeculaton and developen the deputyreeve told council and it is impossible for a man to buy a lot it forces people to go to the land developen vou cant buy a lot in acton or outside town mr tyler maintained it is all controlled by developers he asked no one committee to consider holding over half the townowned lots and preteu them to acton people who might want to purchase one there would be no debenture for sewer and water on a scheme tike this the deputyreeve declared and the town could still reap a good profit the deputyreeve suggested that resident with is yean or more residence would get flnt choice then the 10 year etident then five yean and so on until the land was told me said the municipality should forbid the buyer to retell for a certain period to avoid the potsbility resident would just act as go between for buyers who werent eligible caato torn i ga but lha iht w foaad ihe firis and cbbed the aaal two and lotab on uplepbleaiirorlu a btienen harrt 15 t lien ptctie 510 307 tad uary papukm 40 173 baal for tbt xtolhien vi mill haattf s3 130 donna man1 333 ml aad row iuh 544 304 family slote look lha flitl ganw froal cwalial calua by halt pint tad ilaahad tbay im tmuad tanlii bataa aaadlly but all tkibbmad in tw rkaaat aad tha caiupt pil fob ihe tiaabtna fof louw by ben pint trlpb loae for i enaly sim tame hoal khiy alba 314 1317 akiwik st pltrre i ivil hhuby roiaabanky 4vt 170 and many gaibob 4m 1104 rwin lha lope for ihe u katie tit 360 and al nonle tot ia3 balnc beat for ihe tpotli la lha llmma- ratable taal affaal fot ihauat bui ghaaaoa 771 173 tiu wblllakat 071 134 aad bob turkow 051 37 bate ion blpieh bqwling lanes tvtwiittt and boa giai 409 13 with acioo maaduwt tad alloa laaea lha tflplt pblaauait bara jiat tlmbck 77 371 wayne ueaoa ta7 lit and boa wuki t37 133 foi iht tlokrit fsrle mlddbloa 134 310 tad denala uooka 437 oldfotlhauaat laapie guaduif hlaloat flue 4 arlua maadowa 4 suaalc puob 4 maotu furaal 0 alloa lihee 0 kvluut taki 0 alton mix i heal 1 1 tha happy a ibt hmppv laiat a two tad toub bla tim iht motj huaari pui ihtaa la lihp ifmll tht liana waft hud mmlad li in hit ihtfd ttaw thay nude ii by is bias ed bioant t7 ij7t alut vaiu 45 334 and hun iliouuurd 4114 i3iwi wait lopt in ibt blub luld fi iht blaiwrt wli near 5mi 11341 dun lilb 310 304 rape harmer 504 110 aloag bilk chat lawaaduaakla 100 dnp bara bee for road runners tae talatl faibd la coma merchlag la and lha mbnia made ovary aaam a blaniag oaa brill han daarfe 54 tha acton fe praae wadnanlay saplambar 17 1969 103 andre broilubtd s3 103 aad law real 307 111 peiiaa the bla ilaedina up lha talala efforts rvnliat caltife uojat malloa uluy 7s4 37tl ikinna kiauak 340 ivllind lan sullh 4401 1 sb laue ilaadaia baiktii daily 7 i 1 a 5 i aatlly ximt 4 nlil cailtta 3 nuuni 1olhln 3 iimmi hkoppe a major iifl it ll wi thuloul nlhl in ihe lawtuiil of ike mor laue vcenk ptmib liuik enfimn ntmwia i iunr hliilon kliat hltewihed rtluhb teal and ailiw mtdui itiottl uk wauma tlumpi ailon unat iii ilia nivnk piuiu siuirli lvjbi ait1 uuluiurv 711 117 and rvlt iklnui 7j hall uh bare don haia 311 303 daa porly 470 ltd tad bob plba 441 113 lluw poker bate hot loo alow alw diopplng lha fail aaaa to lha ipuibtl ihey boilated back to bin he teal tbo tad tolab top triplaat for slow poket bare ahorly lobla 474 173 joan potty 434 1441 sad id kbiat 311 115 karen blalaat latnad la a keel 111 tolo elfoil u lha third top lilo for ipulbrt want ue tlaiat 50 115 afnonle 57 lt tad hill man lo 470 174 laapit tlaidlasi happy gang 10 poibil 3 mul7l 7 axw pukar 7 kalabsmolruiuwtd w0 folirt i teat ll with lo tholouir iht ordtr of nundinal wait rawiwd in he luj four the umk ll tuuvr with a iripb win pared by kor viythhixk 707 35 jennie kulktn 374 071 and ann llofiude 37 153 linked away all ganiea bhaa theynel up bilb lite heedaim llaaduia up lha llaadpiar affiali bate itarry aatant jjo 30ui fiuov llofibtfe 334 115 bad li lake van hat kooyso4ltl albykab irlpla bla float ihe thiffeie aajte4 ihe kelt up fur a there of lop aaol top bipua fot ihe kail enw float oecal vaaiaba 470 11171 iim llodboe 54 304 tad 1411b jake van tbt kuoy 14 ivil thitfair utl wert john iktaafc 331 llvl dokl van ariaaoa sill jis tad jane vaa huua 4tv 33 laeaue tundiaa notkll tollat alley kali v iladatai 3 dullii 3 hi adhn llll iii with iht vuulli bowtae couaill bowling tialllag iki llie 17ti tuparvuor ivy matlla u mutlndlug all foraiai tad new yuuna uiwurt to luieeeltur at sdxme thuiuwi iht wty fiw a bil fciinule lemup and hit iht league off lo e uaiwtli itaillht majoi league tuii uii week ww a iougle of wuiaai mum lo die botokng bene don drain wlai tabled a beat under hir ratable laal uaaee had kill wtttame oa kit lineup aad big elan have the atajhiy moe johaaua luaiag ike foal lae ku gprtaea nuraery baava attach wb tuesday bifhl al 7 pjn fcal ihe beboiae laaael mil fur a few lame gab thie to torne of leal tieawt melnlall raoviag out of towm lhala ait a few vacancies alton laaaa oala repjeaeatalive kerb mlddbloa b drumndag up the raarulklp in tht i dba sad hat u will u loaucuag at baue uuuiii di yuv iitli a pbiuie of i if f twlolle walker bowling la bar auli aaoe ij lhe jbbe aad uv ldy fklolle buwb la a bout beaoa la tmunlo wllb an eap tj im the amailiie thing u kit p i j im bdy ii ll yl zl tee liwaad if im griia lo by old unhid lo mlae ibjong of iht ahon moatosiapli setvlct mlae hat lei tdmo tome bill hjwilt i4a by ike bteiitl and la roenaaid ji ooae itjiwth lai mine wllh m ihel wiiji ii uo- lu now my tvteadiix to sdlm aituw and goooaile omiord llv simcopedic deluxe mattress this is tho famous posture mattress that provides fjcntlo firm support foaluros 312 slmcoll full- balance construction and reinforced contro section blue floral rayon damask microqullt cover bonded to foam crushproof feltbacked border at mutinied 8995 with mttchlni box spring- 67- only 12988 simcopedic mattress has 312 slmcoll construction with sturdy probuilt feltbacked bordor attractive floral print covor smoothtop or lulled a real atteplno beauty this one putt you to sleep with 312 adjustorstt colls jqqe95 i undar a luxurious bondsdtofoam rayon microquill i cover youll navar stop asking for hot bedllme j both beda come wllh mslchlno 0oa 8pnno and leal sire 3 3 only choice ol headboards aitra craig hideabed convertible sofa perfect tor visitors who favour weak- ions fulllongth fullwidth slumber ondl but might ttsy for more than a kino matlrets choice of colors in week walnut showwood on arm twaod with nylon content or ex- resit reversible nimbus seat cuth- pandad vinyl fabrics talbpfllce and deep happily ever alter i simmons limited now at g tit diets georgetown 87725151



Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1969, p. 6 (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.